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"Tranquil Island"

Swanking of a small population of approximately just over a 100 individuals, the Rathlin Island is a rare island that lies off the coast of Country Antrim. A number of ferries that run around the island are a major source of transport for the locals and tourists wanting to explore the surrounding areas. The island brags of a fine history and it was in all probability known to the Romans. It also derives a lot of vitality from the fact that it stands as the site of the very first Viking raid on Ireland. There are a range of accommodation facilities, restaurants and shops on the island. The Boathouse Visitor Centre is also at a walking distance from the harbour.
18 Bayview Road, Ballycastle, United Kingdom, BT54 6RT
"Tranquil Island"
Swanking of a small population of approximately just over a 100 individuals, the Rathlin Island is a rare island that lies off the coast of Country Antrim. A number of ferries that run around the island are a major source of transport for the locals and tourists wanting to explore the surrounding areas. The island brags of a fine history and it was in all probability known to the Romans. It also derives a lot of vitality from the fact that it stands as the site of the very first Viking raid on Ireland. There are a range of accommodation facilities, restaurants and shops on the island. The Boathouse Visitor Centre is also at a walking distance from the harbour.
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