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Top Rated Shopping in Cáceres

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Here you are free to browse and look around for as long as you like. The shop assistants will not pounce upon you or give you advice or information until you ask for it. If you do want personal attention, however, they are more than willing to oblige. They have a wide selection of both men's and women's fashions at fairly low prices. Another advantage is that the shop is located in the centre of town, on one of the main streets.

Mansaborá Artesanía

The name of this store comes from a legend: Mansaborá was the name of an underground gallery in the Palacio de las Veletas where, during the days when Cáceres was an Arab fortress, the princess, daughter of the Caíd, would be seen together with her lover. With such history behind their name, it's no surprise to find out that they sell wonderful pieces of local artistry here, including traditional items from the area and other places as well. They're gold and silverwork is amazing. They sell paintings by locals artists, engravings, and other artwork. Also, check out the gold-plated earrings that go together with the traditional regional dress (2100 ptas).

Librería Pedagógica Eguiluz

This bookshop is an indispensible resource for teachers, trainee teachers, sociologists, sexologists as well as for parents and children in general. It specializes in books concerning the following: educational psychology, speech therapy, special education, childhood learning, music therapy, physical therapy, anthropology and sociology. Books are sold directly to the public in the shop or delivered by order to teachers' centres, schools, medical practices and private homes. Books of general literature are also available, but more importantly, if your child is having difficulty sleeping, if she has speech difficulties or if he is jealous because of the arrival of a younger sibling, you'll find a book here to help solve the problem. Moreover, the owner is genuinely friendly and helpful.

La Casa del Jamón

Although they sell all sorts of delicacies from Extremadura, at Casa del Jamón ham is king. They sell an incredible variety of ham, including for example ham from pigs which have been fed on acorns, for about 2000 ptas per kilo. They bone different kinds of ham and pack them in air-tight containers, very useful for trips for example, as they keep much better that way. They also sell wine from Extremadura. And the really special thing about this place is their emergency 24-hour ham line (+34 667 756 802), for those moments when the shops are closed but you're hankering for some ham. Why ever go without?

El Buscón

This shop specializes in buying, selling and exchanging second-hand books. There are 15 000 books on sale, from the most popular contemporary novels to the most obscure titles along with cookery books, history books, children's books and dictionaries. New publications of poetry and prose are also sold. It is situated a little outside the centre of town, but you can order any text book, novel or dictionary and they will deliver it to your door. During the academic year they host book readings in the shop every second Monday at 8.30pm. Everyone is welcome and entry is free. Authors that have featured in previous readings include: Antonio Machado, Edgar Allan Poe, Gabriel García Márquez and Gil de Biedma.

Óptica Karma

If you're looking for glasses, contact lenses or even hearing aids, this is the place. You can get prescription specs made in just one hour. The shop belongs to the Multiópticas group and sells makes exclusive to the chain; their products come with the company guarantee. High quality and top-name designers are on sale here, and they offer many possible methods of payment. Prices range from 3800 to 200000 ptas for glasses.

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