The San Diego Natural History Museum is the second oldest scientific institution in California. A bi-national museum, its mission is to interpret the natural world through research, education and exhibits. The museum strives to promote understanding of the evolution and diversity of southern California and the peninsula of Baja California to inspire in all a respect for nature and the environment. Between exhibits on dinosaurs and the Arctic to mammoths and the Titanic, this museum is sure to interest the old, young and everything in between.
Tired of being crammed into multiplexes with screens smaller than your television? This state-of-the-art cinema complex opened to rave reviews just for its stadium-style, trademarked 'LoveSeat' seating, with armrests that disappear if you would rather rest your arm on your honey. The screen sizes vary, but all of them are bigger than multiplex standard and a top-notch sound system enhances the whole experience. Mainly mainstream releases screen here, with the occasional independent. Advance ticketing available. Bargain matinees during 'twilight' hour. Senior and student discounts.