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Beste Bewertungen Einkaufen In Barcelona

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Mercat de la Boquería

La Boqueria, im Stadtteil Ciutat Vella gelegen, ist der berühmteste und einer der größten Märkte Barcelonas. Die Gastronomen der Stadt kommen täglich hierher, um sich aus dem breiten und reichhaltigen Angebot an frischen Lebensmitteln hoher Qualität zu versorgen. Man sollte es neben Las Ramblas nicht übersehen. Der Ort ist auch dafür bekannt, dass er eine Reihe von Restaurants und Bars beherbergt, die sich auf Weltklasse-Küche spezialisiert haben. Allgemein handelt es sich um eine Art Flohmarkt und ist ideal für hitzige Verhandlungen und Rabatte.

Riera Baixa

Barcelona is known to be one of the trendiest cities when it comes to fashion, hence, you will find some of the renowned and most stylish clothing brands in and around the city. Among the many big brands, and their outlets in Barcelona, it is hard to find vintage clothing stores, therefore the Riera Baixa stands out. Tucked away in the Raval area, this street is probably one of the best places to pick up vintage clothing from, shoppers here are spoilt for choice with the many stores lined up, Each displaying extravagant clothing. With competitive prices, the stores sell sunglasses, second hand retro prints, 1970s casual wear, bikinis, tops, mini skirts, jeans and even clothing from the '40s. Besides this, one can also find vintage record stores and fancy restaurants. A cool place for shopping, the Riera Baixa brings home all fashion enthusiast from every corner of Barcelona.

La Manual Alpargatera

From humble beginnings in the 1940s, the unassuming La Manual Alpargatera now makes it to most tourists' itineraries. On sale are affordable, handmade and customized versions of traditional Spanish footwear like the espadrille and espadenya, once solely a peasant-gear. Stacks of these classics in vibrant colors and styles from the Pyrenees don the wooden shelves of this locally-owned store. From the casual slip-on kind to wedge-heeled renditions, this wardrobe essential has attracted high-profile clientele including Michael Douglas as well as the Pope.

Mercat del Ninot

Dieser hundertjährige Markt bietet einen sehr traditionellen und persönlichen Service. Im Inneren gibt es 175 verschiedene Stände: Lebensmittelgeschäfte, Fleischer, Fischhändler und 90 externe Stände, die verschiedene Waren verkaufen wie Haushaltswaren, Kleidung, Unterwäsche, Taschen, Geschenke usw. Wir sollten auch die große Zentralinsel für den Fisch erwähnen. Alles auf diesem Markt ist erstklassiger Qualität und von hohem Standard. Ständig findet man Sonderangebote, aber auch Tombola- und Geschenkaktionen. Es gibt auch einen eigenen Parkplatz, zu dem man von der Calle Villaroel kommt.

Kreditkarten: nur an einigen Ständen

Santa Caterina Market

In the same vicinity as Las Ramblas and the Museu Picasso, the Mercat Santa Caterina is a great place to spend some quality time, whether one is looking to do some serious shopping or just stroll around. Existing since 1848, the market has undergone a makeover, and one that's best appreciated from a high vantage point. Housed under the undulating roof are stalls retailing in the finest goods Spain has to offer, a restaurant and incredibly, the remains of an early 13th century Roman monastery, parts of which are still on display.

Mercat del Encants

Any kind of object can be found at Mercat del Encants, the biggest flea market in Barcelona. Hidden among piles and piles of second-hand objects, there might be that antique you were looking for. Especially curious is the huge amount of old furniture on sale which is surrounded by stacks of clothes, books, and other curios. It is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9a. However, stop by at 8a to attend the auctions of the most valuable objects.

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