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Best Clubs with DJs in Oslo

von: Cityseeker
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Jaeger is a nightclub, bar and cafe, all in one! Established in 2011, this quiet little bar and eatery by day, transforms into a vibrant party scene by night. The nights at this place are brought alive by local and internationally renowned DJs. House, techno, club are some of the many genres churned out by them. Some nights live performers take the stage and charge the atmosphere with their melodies. Jaeger also rents out its space to host private events. Celebrate your occasion and after that visit the nightclub for an enthralling night!

Grensen 9, Oslo, Norwegen, 0159
The Villa

If you are wondering where to spend this weekend night, head to The Villa. This club, with a capacity of 250, is hidden in the basement of Hell's Kitchen bar and pizzeria and acts as the go-to spot for Oslo's most laid-back and music loving young crowd. Techno and electronic music steal the show here. Local DJs know the pulse of the crowd and play their favorite numbers with stunning results. Come and witness this electrifying atmosphere of The Villa as concerts and performances rock the place on Fridays and Saturdays. You won't regret it.

Møllergata 23 - 25, Oslo, Norwegen, 0179

What's could be better than listening to some of the best DJs in Norway while surrounded by plenty of food, alcohol, and beautiful people? Perhaps doing all of that 12 stories above the ground, atop the historic Folkteateret building, with a beautiful panoramic view of the bustling city of Oslo would be an improvement. This is the premise of Stratos. For most of the year it is rented out for weddings or corporate events, but during certain holidays and the summer months it opens up to the public as a nightclub featuring live music, DJs, and an unforgettable view. Call or email for table reservations.

Youngstorget 2, Folketeaterbygningen, Oslo, Norwegen, 0181

BLÅ ist ein unabhängiger Club in Oslo der live jede Nacht aktuellen "Jazz und damit verwandte Klänge" spielt. Aktuelle Künstler aus dem gesamten Land und aus aller Welt spielen hier. Ansässige DJs haben Gast-Auftritte am Wochenende. Im BLÅ bietet einen Outdoor-Bereich in dem man am auf den Bänken sitzend den Aker Fluss betrachten kann. Der Club veranstaltet zudem die "BLÅ, Molde" im Rahmen des Molde International Jazz Festivals. BLÅ ist eines der größten Clubs seiner Art in ganz Skandinavien und hat 150 Sitzplätze und eine Kapazität von 300 Gästen.

Brenneriveien 9c, Oslo, Norwegen, 0182
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