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Best Local Scene in Birmingham

von: Cityseeker
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Victoria Square (Victoria Platz)

Dieser Platz hat sich im vergangenen Jahrzehnt von einem grasbewachsenen Hang, wo Büroangestellte an einem Sommernachmittag ein Picknick machen würden, zu einem Fußgängerfreundlichen europäischen Platz verwandelt der ganzjährig zugänglich ist. Birminghams Rathaus und Council House befinden sich hier auf dem Platz, und es gibt einen großen Brunnen mit einer Skulptur der bei den Einheimischen als die Mieze im Jacuzzi bekannt ist. Steinlampen und Sphinx-Statuen zieren den Boden, ebenso wie eine Statue von Königin Victoria. Victoria Square ist heute ein beliebter Treffpunkt und Ort zum Entspannen und um Leute zu beobachten.

New Street, Birmingham, Großbritannien, B1 1BD
Custard Factory

The Custard Factory is a premier shopping and digital business area in Birmingham. Its name comes from the Bird's Custard Factory that was located here. The neighborhood was developed with young people in mind, there are studios for jazz, drama, music and dance alongside workshops for crafts, film makers and designers. Shops, cafes and restaurants have opened in recent years catering for the young and trendy types that are attracted to the complex, and it is likely more will open in the future.

Gibb Street, Birmingham, Großbritannien, B9 4AA
Gas Street Basin

Birmingham has more miles of canals than Venice (as any local will only too proudly tell you), though many of them are hidden beneath street level. Gas Street Basin is where several canals meet and was once a thriving port. Today, you can still see colorful canal boats moored here, just a stone's throw from Broad Street in the city center. It's also an up-and-coming spot for new bars and cafes, and is close to popular Brindleyplace.

Gas Street, Birmingham, Großbritannien, B1 2JT
The Jewellery Quarter

The jewelry industry developed in the city from the mid-19th Century. At its peak in the early part of the 20th Century, it employed nearly 20,000 workers. Today, the Jewellery Quarter is a bustling area that produces over a third of the UK's jewelry, and you can find tons of bargains in its many small shops. It's also home to the award-winning Museum of the Jewellery Quarter and some good restaurants.

47 Warstone Lane, Birmingham, Großbritannien, B18 6HA
Cannon Hill Park

Dies ist der ideale Park für die ganze Familie. Er bietet eine Vielzahl an Einrichtungen an, darunter zahlreiche Seen zum Bootfahren, Spielplätze, Tennisplätze, tropische Gewächshäuser und Naturschutzgebiete. Er ist auch die Heimat des Midland Arts Center. Ein Wander- Fahrradweg schlängelt sich durch das Gelände, das vor kurzem erweitert wurde. Im Park finden auch eine Vielzahl von Konzerten, anderen Aufführungen und das jährliche Feuerwerk Fantasia statt. Der Eintritt zum Park ist kostenlos.

2 Russell Road, Birmingham, Großbritannien, B13 8RD
Sutton Park

Sutton Park is a beautiful reserve sheathed in aged woodlands, heaths, wetlands and sparkling lakes, teeming with kestrels, pheasants, plovers, buntings and other wildlife. One of the largest in the United Kingdom, this expansive urban park is also home to recreational facilities for cycling, pony rides, trekking and boating. Cattle graze on grass-laden hills while the Sutton Park Line slices through, lending this National Nature Reserve an old-world charm. Although the park encompasses several pools like Powell's Pool, Bracebridge Pool and the Longmoor Pool, it is the Wyndley Pool which is the oldest and perhaps, the most prized. Volunteer conservationists and park rangers help to keep this reserve in order and cattle grazing has been reintroduced in order to keep young birch trees from entirely taking over the land. Sutton Park has also a recognized Scheduled Ancient Monument and Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Park Road, Birmingham, Großbritannien, B74 2YT
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