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Best Breweries/Wineries/Distilleries in Vancouver

von: Cityseeker
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Bomber Brewing

Having opened its door is the year 2014, Bomber Brewing is one of Vancouver's best microbreweries which specializes in creating a variety of small-back craft brews. Tours of the entire brewing facility are available thrice a week while the tap room is open all seven days. Book a tour and end your experience with a couple of pints of their beer in the cozy tasting room. Along with IPAs, Pilsners, and Blondes, you can also try out some of their seasonal and experimental brews.

1488 Adanac Street, Vancouver, BC, Kanada, V5L 3J7
Storm Brewing

For those folks who have always thought of beer as staple while always being fascinated with the process of beer-making, Storm Brewing brewery is the place to be at. Located in Vancouver, you can find the cheapest kegs around, without compromising on the taste or the aroma. Try the Scottish Ale or the Echinacea lager produced in small batches, which is rumored to have healing powers. The beer is delicious and staff, helpful.

310 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC, Kanada, V5L 3V6
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