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Beste Bewertungen Einkaufen In Dubai

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Dubai Mall

Dubai entwickelte sich rasch zu einem der Top-Destinationen, sowohl für Touristen aus aller Welt als auch für Einheimische. Die Einweihung der Dubai Mall, mit einem Angebotsrekord von fast 600 Geschäften, in denen man sich gerne verlieren kann, ist Beweis genug dafür. Man kann sich seinen Weg durch das Labyrinth der modischen Boutiquen und Kaufhäuser bahnen oder einige der neuesten technischen Überraschungen in den Elektronikgeschäften testen. Es mag vielleicht schwer fallen, zuerst genau zu entscheiden, was man hier unternehmen soll, aber vielleicht ist das Schlittschuhlaufen auf der Eisbahn oder Tauchen im glitzernden Aquarium ein Startpunkt. Es fehlt an nichts, vielleicht sollte man mehrere Besuche einplanen, um alles, was dieses riesige Zentrum zu bieten hat, zu erleben!

Ibn Battuta Mall

This stunning mall located near Jebel Ali Village is an icon of grandeur. Named after Ibn Battuta, Arab scholar and traveler, this shopping center is not merely a mall, but an avenue to experience some of the best features of the Middle East, Far East and North Africa through an array of themed shopping sections. This mall also has a Taj Mahal Dome, a Persian Dome, and a Chinese ship among various other diverse cultural elements and fascinating architectural features. Visitors can pretend that they're in a different region of the world, even if it is for a few hours. One can explore seemingly endless options for shopping, indulge in top-notch entertainment with family, and also enjoy a lovely culinary experience at this unique mall.

Antique Museum

This massive place is not a museum in the literal sense but it is indeed a wonderland that one must visit if you have the time in Dubai. Antique Museum is a hidden gem that will just delight you with its unique souvenirs from all over the world such as crystal glass shisha pipes, Pakistani swords, velvety pashminas, antiques, Arabic lamps and more such trinket treasures. Yes you have to hunt through this treasure trove and then bargain, and it may take a lot of time, but in the end its all worth it when you have something that's one of kind piece, timeless and precious!

Dubai Spice Souk

While Dubai is renowned for its luxury retail stores and gold souks, another equally delightful destination is the Dubai Spice Souk. A vibrant market which features a plethora of shops and stalls dotted along narrow alleys, the souk invites visitors in with its sweet and enticing aromas of various spices. You will find herbal products, dried fruits, common and rare spices, incense, saffron, frankincense, rose petals, and hibiscus, among others. Regarded as one of the best places in town to buy quality spices at bargain prices, the souk retains its time-honored charm and promises a memorable and colorful experience to all those who venture here.

Level Shoe District

See your shoe fantasy come to life at Level Shoe District, the world's largest luxury shoe store at Dubai Mall. This shoe kingdom is spread over a staggering 8918 square meters (96,000 square feet), and is more of a gallery than a showroom with a collection of more than 100 high-end designer labels. Magnificent as it is, the store also offers a host of services ranging from personalized shoe styling, shoe engraving, concierge services and foot spa along with having an on-site coffee lounge (Vogue) and a modern concept store. Brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Chanel, Dior, Saint Laurent and Louis Vuitton have their individual boutiques and the curated collection spans both men's and women's shoes. Limited editions and customized footwear are also sold.

Central Souk

A beautiful, blue-tiled building, fondly known as the Blue Souq forms the core of Sharjah's shopping scene. Sprawled over two stories, this traditional market is the gateway to all your souvenir and shopping needs, owing to its diverse range of wares. The shops sell everything from jewelry and local handicrafts, to artwork, carpets and mosaicked Afghani rugs.

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