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Beste Bewertungen Attraktionen In Flagstaff

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J. Lawrence Walkup Skydome

Located on the Northern Arizona University campus, this Skydome is one of the largest timber domes in the world. The dome was named after former Northern Arizona University President Dr. J. Lawrence Walkup. It provides facilities for football, basketball, indoor track and field, soccer, weight lifting, lacrosse, student recreation, and also hosts major concert events. The grand arena, spread across 27,200 square feet, has a seating capacity of over 14,420 which can be expanded to 15,650 during major events.

The Hive

The Hive is a mainstay on Beaver Street. It is where locals come for the loud music and strong drinks. The venue functions as a gallery as well. Every night there is a different band on stage and if you want to buy some art while you enjoy the sound, all proceeds support local talent. The music varies from punk and pop to rockabilly and thrash metal as well as everything in-between.

Coconino National Forest

Many travelers are surprised to learn that the largest contiguous Ponderosa Pine forest in North America blankets the mountains of Flagstaff in Northern Arizona. Aromatic treetops brush the endless blue sky just outside of town, but this panoramic portrait is more than just breathtaking scenery for hikers, climbers and other outdoor enthusiasts; it is home to a variety of wildlife, which includes the black bear and American bald eagle. Explore elevations of up to 12,633 feet (3850.5 meters) and watch the flora change from cactus to alpine tundra along the way.

Walnut Canyon National Monument

The stunning expanse of Walnut Canyon sits on the Colorado Plateau. An extensive, winding trail commences at the visitor center, showcasing a wealth of outstanding geological marvels along its way, including rustic cliff dwellings that stand under beautiful canyon walls. These dwellings are believed to have been constructed by pre-Colombian people, most notably the Sinagua inhabitants. The Island Trail offers a detailed and strenuous hike which voyages deeper into the canyon, a breathtaking 85-foot descent into the heart of the community at this ancient site. Located within proximity to Tuzigoot and Montezuma Castles, this site also shelters the Old Headquarters, a rustic, log-built cabin, which is said to be one of the earliest in northern Arizona.

Lava River Cave

About 700,000 years ago, the Lava River Cave came into existence after a volcanic reaction took place. This lava tube is located within the premises of the Coconino National Forest and was discovered in 1915 by local lumbermen. The cave is open to public visitation and attracts several nature lovers throughout the year.

Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

Located north of Flagstaff near the Wupatki National Monument, this volcano last erupted a little before the Norman Conquest on the other side of the world in 1066. The volcanic eruption scattered ash and black cinder for miles around the area. Serendipitously, the ashen soil allowed subsequent tribes to inhabit the area due to its ability to retain water. Alongside the volcano, visitors can examine fascinating geologic features such as 'Squeeze-ups' and 'Hornitos,' which are bulbous mounds of lava and droplets. Hike along the one-mile Lava Flow Trail and discover hidden wonders or climb a nearby cinder cone on the Lennox Crater Trail and enjoy the astounding views. Unfortunately, hiking to the top is prohibited.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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