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Beste Bewertungen Einkaufen In Melbourne

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Queen Victoria Market

Eine lebendige Mischung von Kulturen, eine jahrhundertealte Geschichte und unzählige Schnäppchenmöglichkeiten machen das Einkaufserlebnis auf dem Queen Victoria Market so unvergesslich wie das Wahrzeichen selbst. Der größte Freiluftmarkt südlich des Äquators bietet alles von Fleisch, Fisch und Produkten bis hin zu Aromatherapie, Kleidung und Kunsthandwerk. Regelmäßige Vorträge von führenden Köchen und Marktbesichtigungen werden ebenfalls angeboten. Der 1878 erbaute Queen Victoria Market besteht aus mehreren denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden, was bedeutet, dass seine Zukunft garantiert ist, was 130.000 Käufer beruhigt, die ihn jede Woche besuchen.

The Rose Street Artists Market

The Rose Street Artists' Market is a unique concept of giving budding artists an outlet to showcase their work. It is regarded as a hidden treasure by the people of Melbourne. The work found on this street has impressed many. You may find a lot of unusual stuff, like furniture designs, fashion ensembles, intricate jewelry or paintings. Over 600 individuals sell their work here. They have developed this unique concept of having numerous displays and artists, where you can meet each one individually and buy their stuff. The market also features live entertainment for visitors.


Immer wenn die Melbourner denken, Chadstone kann nicht mehr größer werden, wird eine neue Erweiterung eröffnet. Bald braucht man einen Kompass und eine Tagesration, wenn man sich durch die Türen ins Abenteuer stürzt. Es gibt hier Myer- und David-Jones-Kaufhäuser, Target, K-mart, Coles / Bi-Lo Mega Fresh-Supermärkte und hunderte Spezialläden. Es gibt auch gute Restaurants und Imbisse, und die "Food Glorious Food"-Halle bei David Jones ist ein kulinarisches Erlebnis. Ein stilvoller, renovierter Kinokomplex auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik, eine Bowlingbahn und die "Winning Edge"-Sporthalle sind andere beliebte Einrichtungen. Das Einkaufszentrum brüstet sich damit, das größte in ganz Australien zu sein, mit 7.648 Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und einem Einparkservice. Rauchen ist hier nicht erlaubt.


Located at the entrance to the Art District of Melbourne, Southgate is a shopping center which incorporates the arts culture of its surroundings to offer a unique experience in shopping and entertainment. The shopping center has a number of temporary and permanent art installations including the sculpture of Riverside Corolla in the atrium, the Be Free street art installation and the mosaic of Ophelia near the entrance. Several cultural events are also organized here from time to time. A wide variety of restaurants and cafes can be found here as well as a food court by the river which gets stunning views of the city skyline. All in all, the precinct provides the perfect introduction to the vibrant art district.

The Signet Bureau

The warehouse setting of Signet Bureau at the Fitzroy suburb of Melbourne welcomes visitors to its humble collection of dresses and shoes. Stacking an in-depth collection of few brands, rather than an assortment of many, is the philosophy with which the store runs. Indeed, there are only 3 labels on store, two of those, Ess. Laboratory and Munk, hold womens' clothing while Preston Zly is chosen for its collection of shoes. The collection of clothes and shoes are designed for casual as well as formal outings. Providing impetus to relatively modest designers, often such stores end up having something unique time and again.

Moonee Ponds Antiques

Moonee Ponds Antiques is a wonderful spot for those interested in period furniture and decorative elements. You will find an impressive collection of furniture from the Victorian and Edwardian eras, including French antiques and art deco pieces. Elegant china ware, lovely artworks and collectibles are also included in their inventory. Check out this store that has an industrial look to it to accentuate their antiques. Their collection regularly changes and they can arrange for a delivery anywhere in Australia.

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