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Beste Bewertungen Nachtleben In New York

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Le Bernardin

Maguy und Gilber Lecoze kamen 1986 von Paris nach New York, wollten ein elegantes Restaurant etablieren und einfach nur kochen und Fischgerichte zubereiten. Damals konnte keiner ihren unglaublichen Erfolg auch nur ahnen. Seitdem hat das Restaurant jedes Jahr 4 Sterne erhalten. Sogar als Gilbert starb und der Chefkoch Eric Ripert sein Nachfolger wurde, hat die Liebe und Hingabe angehalten mit der jedes Gericht zubereitet wird. Obwohl es teuer ist, gibt es kaum etwas Vergleichbares in Amerika und auch nur wenige dieser Art in Europa. Ein Mittagessen zu USD 32 oder USD 42 (EUR 35,60 oder EUR 46,70) könnte ein gedankenvoller erster Schritt sein. Abendessen beginnen ab USD 75 (EUR 83,40) und nach oben sind keine Grenzen gesetzt - leider!

Tisch Reservieren
Grimaldi's Pizzeria

Das nahe dem Wasser gelegene legendäre Lokal Grimaldi’s bietet herrlichste Pizzas zu günstigen Preisen. Diese werden im Steinofen zubereitet und haben neben einem herrlich knusprigen Boden auch reichlich Belag, was den Verzehr zu einem wahren kulinarischen Genuss macht. Eine große Pizza kostet weniger als USD 15 (EUR 16). Keine Reservierungsmöglichkeit, wodurch man sich gemeinsam mit einer Vielzahl anderer hungriger Mäuler im Freien anstellen muss. Keine Kreditkarten.

PDT (Please Don't Tell)

PDT, which stands for Please Don't Tell, is a "secret" bar on St. Mark's Place. A call from a phone booth in Crif Dogs (the adjacent restaurant) is the only way to get in. Once accepted, a secret door opens up in the phone booth, leading to PDT. It's not much of a secret anymore though, because the club is hugely popular. Once inside, you'll find a crowded bar area steeped in darkness. The inventive cocktail selection is superb and a major draw. If you're hungry you can also order from the Crif Dogs food menu, which gets delivered to the club via a small pass. The friendly staff will give you great recommendations and ensure that you get the best deal.

Tisch Reservieren

For those who crave for a little IPA with their Donkey Kong, Barcade just might be the place. The lovingly-designed space combines hand-crafted pub furnishings with several classic arcade games. Draft and craft brews are the specialty of the house featuring East Coast heavy hitters like Peekskill and West Coast humdingers like Lagunitas, but there is also a full bar. So whether you like a shot of Jim Beam before a round of Centipede or a goblet of Belgian-style strong ale to accompany a rousing Ms Pac-Man tournament, Barcade can probably accommodate you.

Le Bain

Le Bain is popular both amongst regular party-goers as well as celebrities, with its unique interior design making lounging both luxurious and fun. Le Bain, which translates to "bath" in French, is also popularly known for the plunge pool located on the dance floor during the summertime. Although extremely exclusive and often requiring invites to get in, those who manage to enter are rewarded with a beautiful view of the city from the rooftop and excellent service from professional bartenders mixing up great cocktails and concoctions.


Apothéke is a cocktail bar located in Chinatown. The bar is known for its mixology-inspired cocktails made with fresh ingredients and creative presentation. The bar has a vintage pharmacy-inspired décor with antique furniture, apothecary jars, and various scientific instruments. The cocktail menu is divided into categories such as Stimulants, Painkillers, and Aphrodisiacs, each containing unique drinks with inventive names. The bar also offers a "Doctor's Orders" menu where customers can describe their symptoms, and the bartender will make a custom "prescriptions" tailored to their needs. The bar has been recognized as one of the best cocktail bars in the world and has won numerous awards for its mixology.

0,6 2839 474 1 2|104,2|105,3 [["Le Bernardin","40.761582004301","-73.981801881829","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","155 West 51st Street, New York, NY, 10019","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/99391-le-bernardin"],["Grimaldi's Pizzeria","40.702644301953","-73.993249278878","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1 Front Street, New York, NY, 11201","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/5341-grimaldi-s-pizzeria"],["PDT (Please Don't Tell)","40.727089548992","-73.983775806499","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","113 Saint Marks Place, New York, NY, 10009","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/384755-pdt-please-don-t-tell"],["Barcade","40.712073378102","-73.951066030564","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","388 Union Avenue, New York, NY, 11211","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/350546-barcade"],["Le Bain","40.740678210346","-74.007729279919","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","444 West 13th Street, New York, NY, 10014","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/690547-le-bain"],["Apoth\u00e9ke","40.714399057515","-73.998126033946","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","9 Doyers Street, New York, NY, 10013","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/418590-apoth\u00e9ke"]] adayincity 99391,5341,384755,350546,690547,418590 6 0 1 Nightlife
2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Mehr Nachtleben

2,3 2839 0 0 0,6 6