El Cementerio Nacional de Arlington es el lugar de descanso final de muchos de los que dieron sus vidas sirviendo a la patria. Dos presidentes estadounidenses -John F. Kennedy y William Howard Taft- están enterrados aquí. La tripulación del transbordador espacial Challenger, el líder de los derechos civiles Medgar Evers y la estrella de cine Audie Murphy, se encuentran entre los muchos honrados aquí. La tumba de los soldados desconocidos, que contienen restos de soldados no identificados de la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial, y la Guerra de Corea, está vigilada las 24 horas del día. La ceremonia de cambio de guardia es un conmovedor homenaje a ellos. Arlington House, la casa de Robert E. Lee hasta el estallido de la Guerra Civil, se encuentra en los terrenos del cementerio. Los visitantes pueden pasear por el cementerio o subir a un tranvía turístico.
Founded in 1993, the Waverly Street Gallery has since been a veteran organization that promotes and exhibits both traditional and contemporary art. The gallery collaborates with a range of international artists and local talent to host regular exhibitions across genres of painting, sculpture, photography and pottery. Emerging artists are showcased through their exhibitions every second Friday of the month, which is also when the Bethesda Art Walk commences. In the past, the gallery has worked with artists such as Kate Radi, Pat Silbert, Sandra Zacharia and Kanika Sircar, among several others.
Desde "La Visitación" de El Greco hasta obras de arte precolombinas y bizantinas, joyas y mosaicos, Dumbarton Oaks está repleto de tesoros elegantes. Construido en 1801, la propiedad alcanzó su máxima gloria en la década de 1920 cuando funcionó como centro de reuniones de la clase alta y perteneció a Robert Bliss y su esposa heredera Mildred. Los jardines ocupan unas 10 hectáreas en Georgetown e incluyen jardines escalonados, senderos serpenteantes y fuentes elaboradas.
The Rock Creek Park contiene un hermoso bosque salvaje y sirve como un oasis para los residentes de la ciudad y los turistas. Las atracciones incluyen áreas de picnic, senderos sinuosos y senderos para bicicletas, un centro de la naturaleza, un campo de golf público, pistas de tenis y establos. La pieza central es un molino harinero de trabajo, con una rueda de agua. Rock Creek Parkway corre junto al serpenteante arroyo. Partes de la carretera están cerradas al tráfico los fines de semana y entregados a los ciclistas y patinadores. Aunque el metro está cerca, un coche es necesario para visitar muchos de los sitios clave en un solo viaje.
The Music Center at Strathmore is a cultural and entertainment hub in North Bethesda, Maryland. This concert hall hosts shows for a variety of events. It first opened in 2005 and it is not just a music venue but also provides education in music. With a wide range of musical concerts from jazz to rock, there is something for every music lover.
El Capital Crescent Trail es una agradable ruta de 11 millas que recorre el noroeste de Washington. Durante la semana de trabajo, los viajeros en bici utilizan esta ruta como su eslabón entre los suburbios del noroeste y el DC. Los fines de semana, el camino está lleno de patinadores y ciclistas. Comienza en Georgetown, sobre Water Street. Hay que seguir el camino y encontrar vistas al precioso río Potomac y algunos de los barrios más finos del DC, hay incluso un viaje rápido a través del Columbia Country Club. La mayor parte de la pista es de asfalto.
Ubicado en el extremo oeste del National Mall, el Monumento a Lincoln es uno de los principales emblemas de la nación. Ofrece unas vistas increíbles de la ciudad desde distintos puntos panorámicos. La estatua de Lincoln de casi seis metros hecha por Daniel Chester French, en la que se aprecia al gran líder político sentado y pensativo, junto con el texto tallado del Discurso de Gettysburg, permiten echarle un vistazo a un período tan rico en la historia del país. Las 36 columnas dóricas representan la cantidad de estados con los que contaba la Unión para la época de la muerte de Lincoln. Vayan de noche si no quieren compartir la experiencia con tanta gente.
Located in Carroll Hall, a historic landmark in downtown Washington, the Washington Stage Guild has established a specialized mission. The theater company offers audiences in the metropolitan area the neglected classics of older playwrights, especially the works of writers at the turn of the last century. The Washington Stage Guild produces four plays during its October-to-May season. The prolific George Bernard Shaw is a favorite, as is T.S. Eliot.
This predominantly African-American congregation has been worshipping here for over 100 years. Mount Zion United Methodist Church has a strong presence in the community through ministry and spiritual outreach programs that include all ages and cultures. The historic church building and cemetery served as a stop on the Underground Railroad and were featured in the best-selling novel, River Cross My Heart by Breene Clarke.
Famous as being the first mosque ever to be built in the capital city, Fazl Mosque or better known as the American Fazl Mosque dates back to mid 1900's and has also served as a headquarters for a well-known Muslim community. With as much Muslim population in the city, this religious site is frequented by a large number of believers. Although non-Muslims are not allowed inside the mosque, one can visit this place just to admire its intricate architecture.
St. David's is a growing congregation. On Sunday you can take part in a range of services, musical experiences, and educational offerings. The early morning service is in the traditional language but the one held later is a Family service, that happens in an energetic way along with music played on pianos. Family members of all ages participate in the service as ushers, readers, and offertory bearers. It is always a joyous moment to be a part of the congregation. Various trainings for children and the youth happen here. You can also join the programs and services in the Episcopal Church, drawn from the Book of Common Prayer. Become a part of the service and experience the showers of God's blessings.
William Howard Taft who was the President of the United States was also the tenth Chief Justice of the United States and a member of the Republican Party. In 1930 he succumbed to illness and was buried in the Arlington National Cemetery. Sculpted by James Earle Fraser, hordes of visitors head to the Taft to pay their respects to the President.