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Best Camp Sites in San Francisco

por: Cityseeker
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Rob Hill Campground

Spend a night at the only overnight campground in San Francisco. Located in an eucalyptus grove in the Presidio of San Francisco, this family friendly campsite has restrooms, picnic tables, a barbecue grill, and a large stone fireplace. Contact the park to reserve a camping site then enjoy the serenity of nature and roast S'mores under the stars.

1475 Central Magazine Road, Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, Estados Unidos, 94129
Parque Estatal Angel Island

What Ellis Island was to the East Coast, Angel Island was to the West Coast. Graffiti left by immigrants who were awaiting admission or deportation can be seen on the walls of the holding areas. The wooded 740-acre (300 hectare) island sits peacefully in the middle of San Francisco Bay. In addition to the immigration facility, the island is also home to two now-abandoned military installations, Fort McDowell and Camp Reynolds. Hiking and biking trails circle the island and offer spectacular views of the poppy-colored peaks of the Golden Gate Bridge and the iconic San Francisco skyline. Volunteer guides lead informative tours of the island's historical sites and one can even catch a glimpse of the indigenous deer population. Camping is allowed with proper permits. Ferry service varies according to the season.

Fire Road, Angel Island, Tiburon, CA, Estados Unidos, 94920
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