You might think you just stepped into the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries when you explore various parts of this store. They try to sell beautiful furniture from every possible recent era. Many rugs in good condition are often available, as well as jewelry and watches. European and American oil paintings can also be purchased here on a fairly regular basis.
In the heart of downtown San Diego, this spot offers a variety of vintage gems in several specialty shops. One shop, Big City Woman, hosts antique jewelry, hats and resale clothing. Another option is the Folk Arts Rare Records shop, designed for record collectors. This shop holds a 90,000-hour library that offers custom taping. Customers may enjoy jazz, blues, big bands and vaudeville, as well as selections from old radio shows and movie soundtracks. For anyone with a fondness for vintage products, this is a must-see spot in San Diego. Credit card acceptance varies by vendor.
A tan solo una manzana del Océano Pacífico, usted podrá recorrer estas tiendas y restaurantes que llenan la pequeña comunidad de Ocean Beach. Ecléctico por naturaleza, tal y como dice la gente que vive allí, Ocean Beach es una actitud, no una dirección. Sobre la calle principal, la avenida Newport, la gente encontrará más de 15 tiendas de antigüedades donde se venden piezas de colección de varios vendedores distintos. Para los coleccionistas, la principal atracción del lugar son las tiendas de antigüedades, pero esta comunidad costeña única tiene algo para todos, desde buen surf hasta comida excelente y antigüedades de muy buena calidad.