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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Leicester

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Abbey Pumping Station

Abbey Pumping Station is an industrial museum located inside a former pump station. The Victorian architecture along with decorated bean engines, made this place locally popular. It is few of the historic pumping stations that have been preserved and has been turned into a museum. The museum displays various beam engines along with a steam shovel and artifacts of domestic appliances and trams. There is treasure beneath the ground too with the Site Narrow Gauge Railway and some other transport artifacts. The museum also has a collection of vintage road vehicles. It organizes small local events around the theme of early transport.

Abbey Park

Abbey Park is the place to be while in Leicester for breathing in some fresh air and unwinding amidst nature. Boasting facilities like bowling green, boating lake, tennis courts and play area among many others, this is one of the most popular parks in the city. A fun destination of the entire family, Abbey Park appeals equally to people of all ages.

Leicester Guildhall

Formerly serving as a meeting center for the Guild of Corpus Christi, the Guildhall is a grandiose archaic edifice that has been standing in central Leicester since 1390. Since then, this magnificent building has been the meeting place for several organizations including the City Council. The Guildhall has also been serving as the city's prime events center. It plays host to a myriad of events including theatrical performances, concerts, local events, banquets, weddings and receptions. This rustic building is also home to a small museum which is a must-visit for those looking to learn in-detail regarding the history of this building and the city of Leicester in whole.

Leicester Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Martin)

The Leicester Cathedral in Leicester is one of the oldest Anglican churches in the country. This church is solely dedicated to St. Martin and therefore is also called The Cathedral Church of Saint Martin. From the records, the cathedral is to have been built in 1086. Inside the church is the tomb of Richard III of England who reigned in the 15th Century on which his crown has been laid. The windows have stained glass panels depicting the many royals in England in the Middle Ages. Visitors usually marvel the building for its detailed Gothic architecture style.

New Walk Museum & Art Gallery

Located in a grandiose structure along New Walk, the New Walk Museum & Art Gallery is one of the oldest museums in the city and was the favorite haunt of Sir Attenborough. The permanent exhibitions are educative of the ancient Egyptian civilization, dinosaurs, mummies, fossils and century-old artifacts. The in-house cafe beckons with its snacks and beverages, while certain parts of the museum can be rented for concerts, naming ceremonies, private, business and community events.

King Richard III Visitor Centre

If you're a tourist discovering the fascinating city of Leicester, do make it a point to visit the incredible King Richard III Visitor Centre. A history buff will be delighted to explore the various facets and features of King Richard III’s life and death. Ever since the unearthing of His Highness's body, there has been a lot of speculation about the deceased king and his controversial past. Walk around the exhibits that showcase a full facial reconstruction as well as a partial one. You will also get to view a replica of the king's skeleton that displays his curved spine as well as the scars from the battle. This visitor centre is a must for anyone who has a keen interest in history and historical figures.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 960 0 0 0,6 6