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All Saints' Abbey

Located in the town of Oppenau and the Black Forest of Germany, All Saints' Abbey (Kloster Allerheiligen) is a Premonstratensian abbey that has an unusual structure with large brick walls standing just above the main façade. The building, which is constructed out of brown bricks, was established in the 11th century and was promoted to the ranks of an abbey in 1657. Destroyed by several fires, the building was demolished and its stones were used for reconstruction purposes in the nearby town. However, as tourism expanded, it was remade and rebuilt to its current form.


Pristine and picturesque, Mummelsee is a popular tourist attraction surrounded by towering pine trees in the famous Black Forest of Germany. Many local legends and myths are associated with the lake, including one which alludes to shapeshifting water spirits and the King of Mummelsee residing in its depths. Souvenir shops, restaurants, and the Berghotel Mummelsee are located on its banks and are worth checking out during a visit to the lake. The glistening waters, along with the panoramic views of the valley, make for a beautiful backdrop in a holiday picture.

Black Forest High Road

A route between the towns of Hundseck and Untersmatt was constructed in 1930, which came to be known as Schwarzwaldhochstrasse. It was extended in 1952 to the cities of Baden-Baden in the north and Freudenstadt to the south to provide an easy access to hotels and scenic spots on the high altitude Black Forest mountains. The 60 kilometer (37 miles) stretch of the road provides a great opportunity for nature trails and winter sports at an altitude that ranges from 700 to 1100 meters (2296 to 3609 feet).

Lichtentaler Allee

The 2.3 kilometer (1.42 miles) long Lichtentaler Allee along the river Oos was developed as an exceptional park in the middle of 19th Century. The park is also a well-groomed arboretum with oak trees that have existed for more than 300 years along with various other shrubs and trees. An ideal place for a stroll at any time of the day, the beauty of Gönneranlage (added in 1952), which comprises of a rose garden and fountain, is breathtaking. With a number of hotels and mansions along the avenue and an art museum inside the park, this place makes for a serene green spot in the town.

Merkur Funicular Railway

One of the top attractions of Baden-Baden is the Merkur Funicular Railway. Not only is it a great way to travel up the Merkur Mountain, the railway car also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding region and all the verdant scenery the town has to offer. For a nominal price, the Funicular offers a novel experience.

Kloster Hirsau

Located on Wildbader Straße, the Kloster Hirsau dates back to the 9th century and has a rich historical past as one of the most significant Benedictine abbeys in the country. It housed a chapel which was then rebuilt into a church with Roman architecture. The abbey sustained severe damages during the Nine Years' War, and its ruins today draw a multitude of visitors.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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