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Plus appréciés Shopping à Baiersbronn

Chercher Sur Un Rayon (miles)
Metzgerei Koch

Apart from housing restaurants with eight Michelin stars in total, Baiersbronn has an acclaimed specialty butcher shop. Fourth generation butcher Joachim Koch's meat store is known to serve only the freshest and best quality meat. The red, fish-scales roof and a simple glass window makes it look like any other run-of-the-mill meat shop. It has so much to offer contrary to its appearance. Koch's team not only sells superlative meat but also different takeaway delicacies which are served hot across their counter. You can enjoy them right across the store in the stretched out parking lot. The showstopper among the sausages is Black Ham. Smoked with pine needles taken directly from the famous Black Forest and aged for as long as three months, the Black Ham sausage is Koch's 'chef d'oeuvre'. Savor some of the best succulent meat treats in the store or as an ingredient for your dish and make your delicacy Michelin star level.

Oberkircher Winzer eG

A prominent winegrowing estate located amid verdant surrounds, Oberkircher Winzer eG features an extensive selection of wines to choose from. The facility features a remarkable cellar which exemplifies its viticulture tradition, and visitors can sample tasteful variants of Riesling, Blue Pinot, Pinot Blanc and Merlot among others. Oberkircher Winzer also organizes tours which offer a deeper insight into the region's winemaking heritage.

0,6 27 5 1 8 [["Metzgerei Koch","48.525358996112","8.4005802875666","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Murgtalstrabe 160, Baiersbronn, 72270","https:\/\/\/fr\/baiersbronn\/1184669-metzgerei-koch"],["Juwelier Leicht","48.537045449781","8.3581366382905","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Tonbachstr. 237, Baiersbronn, 72270","https:\/\/\/fr\/baiersbronn\/1041669-juwelier-leicht"],["Schwarzwald Brennerei Scheibel","48.588166000624","8.1203973900762","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Gr\u00fcner Winkel 32, Kappelrodeck, 77876","https:\/\/\/fr\/kappelrodeck\/1039732-schwarzwald-brennerei-scheibel"],["Oberkircher Winzer eG","48.540412733042","8.0698232543668","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Renchener Strasse 42, Oberkirch, 77704","https:\/\/\/fr\/oberkirch\/1042073-oberkircher-winzer-eg"],["Buchhandlung B\u00fccherinsel","48.530263071936","8.0784753964979","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bahnhofstra\u00dfe 4, Oberkirch, 77704","https:\/\/\/fr\/oberkirch\/801715-buchhandlung-b\u00fccherinsel"],["Trautwein","48.290789809446","8.343977656141","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Am Hirschen 1, Schiltach, 77761","https:\/\/\/fr\/schiltach\/1041163-trautwein"]] adayincity 1184669,1041669,1039732,1042073,801715,1041163 6 0 1 Shopping
8 0 0 0 10 0

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8 27 0 0 0,6 6