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Plus appréciés Vie nocturne à Balingen

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Café Bar Hauptbahnhof

One of the best places in Rottweil to hangout with your friends is the Café-Bar Hauptbahnhof located on Bahnhofstraße. Enjoy a slew of creative cocktails, tantalizing drinks or chilled beers along with delectable German meals at this cafe and bar. Catch up on your favorite game on one of their TVs or attend their comedy shows for a rib-tickling evening. The ambiance is quite eclectic with a dive bar-like lighting, attractively laid out tables and a fancy bar counter. Prompt service and a lively atmosphere makes your experience quite delightful at Café-Bar Hauptbahnhof.

Adler Meidelstetten

Adler Meidelstetten is one of the best culinary establishments of the city. A restaurant taking pride in their quintessentially German food, this is the place to delight you palate with real, local flavors. Cooked to perfection and served in generous portions, their dishes keep patrons coming back for more. To complement your gourmet delight, Adler Meidelstetten has an impressive selection of beers. These are best enjoyed in the restaurant's beer garden during warmer months. Adler Meidelstetten further enhances your dining experience with their line-up of musical and cultural events.

Der Pappelgarten

Tucked away behind lush trees in a quiet street overlooking poplars and open fields, Der Pappelgarten is a lovely spot for trekkers, hikers and anyone in the area looking for a respite in the evenings. This cozy restaurant and beer garden serves authentic regional fare with a few international dishes sprinkled in its menu. Check their daily specials on their blackboard. There is a playground for the little ones as well. Tipple on a beer or two as well. Enjoy live jazz music and other improv performances held regularly by local artists. You can also celebrate birthdays and other special occasions here.


A definitive way to make your weekends more happening than ever before, Sonnenkeller charms with its varied music genre offerings in the form of DJs and live music. This vaulted cellar hums with an atmospheric ambiance in its two-level structure, one being the bar and lounge and the other being the party hall. With music raging from dubstep and electro to metal rock and reggae, Sonnenkeller caters to all kinds of acoustic preferences. There is an admission fee, and entry is allowed for all above 16 years of age.

0,6 29 5 1 2|104,2|105,3 [["Caf\u00e9 Bar Hauptbahnhof","48.16496747965","8.6397427764491","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bahnhofstra\u00dfe 1, Rottweil, 78628","https:\/\/\/fr\/rottweil\/805247-caf\u00e9-bar-hauptbahnhof"],["Adler Meidelstetten","48.345318624685","9.3070522583594","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kirchg\u00e4ssle 3, Hohenstein, 72531","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/1027759-adler-meidelstetten"],["Der Pappelgarten","48.514953202911","9.1965807787236","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Marie-Curie-Strasse 27, Reutlingen, 72760","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/1158580-der-pappelgarten"],["Sonnenkeller","48.270992506137","8.8498206122985","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Viehmarktplatz 8, Balingen, 72336","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/754290-sonnenkeller"],["Jazzclub in der Mitte e.V.","48.492181352218","9.2146730960613","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Gartenstra\u00dfe 36, Reutlingen, 72764","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/817374-jazzclub-in-der-mitte-e-v"],["Kulturgastst\u00e4tte Kloster","48.445479933768","8.6872399119374","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Marktplatz 28, Horb am Neckar, 72160","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/1028128-kulturgastst\u00e4tte-kloster"]] adayincity 805247,1027759,1158580,754290,817374,1028128 6 0 1 Nightlife
2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Plus Vie nocturne

2,3 29 0 0 0,6 6