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Plus appréciés Vie nocturne à Benissa

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Pub La Fragata

Pub La Fragata is a fun place to be when you're craving a platter of freshly made tapas. Full of Spanish flavors and exuding local charm, this friendly neighborhood pub is punctuated with navy accents, frigate models and similar nautical memorabilia gracing the walls. Distributed over three floors, this haunt attracts tourists and locals alike. Indulge in a round of board games or sing your heart out during karaoke.

Acqua Bar & Steakhouse

Seaside location, soft music and classy ambiance, Acqua Bar & Steakhouse is a perfect place for a romantic outing. Dim lights and stylish furniture further add to the elegance. The menu comprising of a variety of tasty dishes is equally exquisite. Not in the mood for a complete meal? Then you can try the tempting ice-creams or heady cocktails. All in all, the Acqua Bar And Steakhouse is much loved by tourists and locals who come here to unwind and have a good time.

La Llum

La Llum is one of the best Spanish style bars to drop into for an evening out. Located in a now modified space, it was initially a townhouse that has been spruced up with a bar counter and stereo systems. The music played here mostly consists of the rock and pop kinds. You will find many youngsters hanging out at the bar probably playing darts or cards. The service has been rated highly here, though it's a completely local water hole. So knowing the language will get you quicker drinks on your table. Check website for more details.

Tower Lounge

Tower Lounge is a great place to chill out. There are comedy nights, live music performances and other sorts of entertainment that will keep you amused throughout the night. The lounge also offers fantastic drinks to quench your thirst. They also have game and cabaret nights on certain days.

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2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Plus Vie nocturne

2,3 24 0 0 0,6 6