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Filippi's Pizza Grotto

Filippi's Pizza Grotto is one of the most beloved Italian restaurants in San Diego. Its pizza has been highly acclaimed since first being served more than 50 years ago. The front of the restaurant is an Italian shop selling dried pasta, wines, candy, canned goods and olives, and a deli selling Italian sausages and cheese. After passing through this aromatic area, one is led to the restaurant itself. The chefs here dish up all the classics including lasagne, spaghetti and meatballs, ravioli and more. Imported and domestic wine and beer is available.

Seaport Village

Take a leisurely stroll from the Gaslamp Quarter or Horton Plaza and escape the urban bustle for a while at Seaport Village. Stroll along charming cobblestone paths, taking in the greenery, ponds, and fountains as you explore the collection of unique shops, casual eateries, and fine-dining restaurants. Unparalleled views of the bay, its docked ships, and the San Diego-Coronado Bridge provide a picturesque backdrop. Complete with a historic carousel dating back to the 1890s, Seaport Village offers a delightful place to relax, explore, and experience the beauty of San Diego's harbor district. A monthly calendar features live music performances, including blues, jazz, country, and swing bands.

Bazaar del Mundo

Bazaar del Mundo is one of the happiest and most colorful of all marketplaces in San Diego to shop. Part of historic Old Town, where the city's first inhabitants set up the original city, this shopping area is a true delight. Colorful parrots screech, color blooms everywhere, mariachis stroll the grounds, sparkling fountains babble and delicious Mexican dishes permeate the air and tempt the palate. Five restaurants, 15 international specialty shops and plenty of historic sites in adjacent Old Town provide much to explore.

Westfield UTC

Conveniently located just 20 minutes from downtown is the major shopping center referred to as UTC. Here you will find shopping majors such as Sears, Macy's, and Nordstrom's. More than 160 specialty shops, banks, seven eateries, 16 fast-food sites and an ice skating rink that will entertain and delight you. Events and entertainment are scheduled on weekends. Plenty of free parking is available.

Mercado Hidalgo

Mercado Hidalgo is a bustling market in the historic center of Tijuana, Mexico. The market is housed in an old building from the industrial era and it has an eclectic mix of shops and stalls. Everything from fruits and vegetables to specialty sweets and handicrafts can be purchased at this market and is a very popular place with locals and tourists.

Girard Avenue

The quaint Girard Avenue offers visitors a chance to experience shopping within small, local businesses. There are a number of art galleries, books stores and craft shops that are not affiliated with any corporation. If you are looking for the most modern and fashionable clothing for women, try Melange. Anyone looking for art should be sure to make a stop at Cosmopolitan Fine Arts. Once you are through shopping and in need of some tasty on-the-go food, try Girard Gourmet.

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8 0 0 0 10 0

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8 386 0 0 0,6 6