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Best for Families in Niagara Falls

Par: Cityseeker
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Rainforest Cafe, Niagara Falls USA

Rainforest Cafe is one of the best theme cafes in the city. The place features a decor style similar to a scenic rain forest, with false trees, birds and animals and water bodies. The place is great for family get together and dinners, as it offers entertainment for the little ones. Whether you come alone or bring your loved ones in tow, time spent at Rainforest Cafe, is surely going to be a wonderful one.

300 3rd Street, Chutes du Niagara, NY, États-Unis, 14303
Buzzy's Pizza

Buzzy’s Pizza is best known for its toothsome pizzas, cooked in the traditional New York style. Go in to find delectable dishes like Chef Salad, Mozzarella Sticks and Buffalo Style Chicken Wings, all featuring bold American flavors. The chefs keep experimenting and so you will find one or two new options on the menu, every now and then. So head to Buzzy’s Pizza, for a great meal.

7617 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Chutes du Niagara, NY, États-Unis, 14304
De Dee's Dairy

De Dee's Dairy is one of the most cherished ice cream parlors in the city. The place is quite chirpy and inviting, kids can easily lose themselves to the numerous flavors of frozen yogurt and ice creams. From chocolates to berries, the ice creams here are made to please, so come for a dessert session, only at De Dee's Dairy.

8715 Niagara falls boulevard, Chutes du Niagara, NY, États-Unis, 14304
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