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Fascinating Clocks Around the World

Par: Cityseeker
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Throughout history people around the world have needed a way to keep track of time. Clocks were invented as a way to meet this need, and over the ages, the clock itself transformed from a mere practical tool to a grandiose work of art and craftsmanship. If you're looking for some great clock-related sites to see or plan to see, here's a list of some of the most interesting and extravagant clocks located throughout the world.

Monumental Clock of Pachuca

The Monumental Clock of Pachuca is the symbolic clock tower of the city of Pachuca built in intervals from the year 1904 to 1910. The tower has an uncanny resemblance to the famous Big Ben of London and was built to celebrate 100 years of independence. Elegant sculptures on each side of the tower represent Reform, Liberty, Constitution and Independence. Beautifully lit up at night, the clock bells play Mexico's national anthem at 6 in the evening every day.

Plaza Independencia, Centro, Pachuca, Mexique, 42000

Tour nommée d'après l'astronome Louis Zimmer et dont l'horloge est connue dans le monde entier.

Zimmerplein 19, Lier, Belgique, 2500
Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower

Dating back to 1911, the Emerson Bromo Seltzer tower is credited to Captain Isaac Emerson. A 15 storey structure, it was stylistically inspired by Florence's Palazzo Vecchio tower and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Until 1936, a 51-foot replica of the famed blue bottle revolved on top of the building, illuminated by 596 lights. Today, a blue glow emanates from the tower's cupola and the structure's four clock faces are illuminated at all times, allowing passersby to see the Bromo Seltzer letters that mark the time. The tower is also houses to an arts facility, showcasing exhibitions by resident as well as other artists.

312 West Lombard Street and South Eutaw Street, Baltimore, MD, États-Unis, 21201
Horloge astronomique de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg

Une fondation fut créée au XVe siècle, rien que pour construire cette gigantesque horloge. Mathématiciens, horlogers, tailleurs de pierre et peintres besognèrent pendant plusieurs années pour fabriquer cette horloge astronomique. Cette dernière s'arrêta en 1789 et il fallut attendre jusqu'au XIXe siècle pour qu'elle soit soigneusement rénovée et munie d'un nouveau mécanisme. A midi, les personnages mobiles se mettent en mouvement, formant un véritable tableau.

Place de la Cathédrale, Strasbourg, France, 67082
Grazer Uhrturm

The Uhrturm (Watchtower) is not only beautiful to look at, but it is home to one of the oldest bells in the country. And, it doesn't just stop at that; it serves a practical function as well. The hands of the clock work ijn an unconventional manner, with the small hand shows the minutes and the big one the hours, making it much easier to read. The Uhrturm was constructed in 1560 and the bell rung to announce impending executions. Later it indicated the closing hour for pubs and cafes.

Schlossberg, Graz, Autriche, 8010
Allen-Bradley Clock Tower

Marvel at the towering Allen-Bradley Clock Tower, a well-recognized landmark in Milwaukee. Dating back to 1962 and located on the Rockwell Automation Headquarters, this clock tower is 283 feet (86.3 meters) tall with a four-sided clock that's about 40 feet (12 meters) tall. This is clock is so large that it is almost twice as big as London's Big Ben, and until 2010, was the world's largest clock with four faces. Make sure to check it out at night when the clock light up beautifully.

2nd Street, Milwaukee, WI, États-Unis, 53204
Eastgate and Eastgate Clock

The stunning Eastgate Clock has the prized distinction of being one of the most photographed clock in England, second only to the mighty Big Ben. Dating back to May 1899, Eastgate and Eastgate Clock was opened to honor the Queen on her 80th birthday. Credited to John Douglas, the clock in the heart of Chester has become an institution in itself. Although people initially considered it to be overly decorative and a misfit in its blighted surroundings, over time it has become one of the most beloved landmarks of Chester.

Eastgate Street, Chester, Royaume-Uni, CH1 1HD
Gastown Steam Clock

Built in 1977 and credited to Raymond Saunders, the Gastown steam clock is one of the very few steam clocks still in existence. The clock was commissioned privately and sits on a pavement in a leafy alley. The four-faced clock signals quarter hours though a whistle chime playing Westminster Quarters.

Water Street, 300 block, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 1B6
NI-Tele Really BIG Clock

Also renowned as The Giant Ghibli Clock, the NI-Tele Really BIG Clock is credited to beloved animation director Hayao Miyazaki who also co-founded the world-renowned Studio Ghibli. Created using copper and steel, the clock rises up to three stories. Stylistically similar to the popular film 'Howl’s Moving Castle', the numerous figurines that surround the giant clock spring into action multiple times in a day. Thanks to this unique feature, the "NI-Tele Really BIG Clock" has struck a chord with ardent Ghibli fans.

1-6-1 Higashishimbashi, Nittele Tower, Tokyo, Japon, 105-0021
Eastern Columbia Building

Completed in 1930, the Eastern Columbia Building is a 264 feet (80.46 meter) tall building that was intended to be the Eastern-Columbia Department Store's thirty-ninth store and headquarters. Constructed in beautiful Art Deco style, with a unique turquoise facade, the building is a well-recognized feature of downtown. Its crowning glory is the monumental four-sided clock tower, illuminated and proudly emblazoned with the word EASTERN.

849 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA, États-Unis, 90014
Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower

Dating back to April 1929, Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower which rises to a height of 512 feet (156 meters) is regarded as one of the city's distinctive architectural landmarks. The thirty-seven storied Byzantine-Romanesque styled building is topped by a four-sided clock tower. Thanks to its imposing height, the Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower is recognized as one of the world's tallest clock towers.

1 Hanson Place, New York, NY, États-Unis, 11243
Great Mosque of Testour

Testour's Great Mosque is a striking edifice, designed with Moorish and Ottoman styles of architecture. Mohamed Tagharinu, who built the mosque in 1631, was of Andalusian origin, and the building's unique mix of architectural styles conspicuously reflects this. One of the mosque's highlights is the 23 meter (75.4 feet) tall minaret with a clock that runs counter-clockwise; one of the few such clocks in existence.

Testour, Testour, Tunisie
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