Situé à 15 minutes de route à l'est de Marseille, le village de Cassis, ancien petit port de pêche vivant aujourd'hui de son tourisme et de son vignoble, respire la douceur de vivre de la Provence. Après avoir parcouru ses rues étroites et pittoresques, bordées de boutiques en tout genre, promenez-vous sur le port entre restaurants en terrasses et bateaux luxueux. Et, si la visite guidée des Calanques par la mer vous tente, alors plongez! Les balades pédestres dans les calanques de Cassis sont inoubliables: Port-Miou, la plus étroite, bordée de nombreux bateaux de plaisance, Port-Pin avec sa petite plage et En-Vau, paradis pour des férus d'escalade.
This lovely commune, bordered by verdant greenery, thrives on tourism owing to its time-honored streets and striking historic structures, which draw visitors in droves. Rochefort-en-Terre's vibrant tapestry is woven with an array of quaint buildings, winding cobblestone lanes and charming shops, which exemplify its cultural and artistic heritage. Some of the unmissable, notable landmarks of the village include the defining medieval Château de Rochefort-en-Terre, the Collégiale Notre-Dame-de-la-Tronchaye and history buffs’ haven, the Naïa Museum. Experience an offbeat French sojourn in the picturesque environs of Rochefort-en-Terre.
Les étroits bâtiments basques du XVIIe siècle rappellent les maisons à colombages rouge et blanc. Les visiteurs feront leurs emplettes de produits régionaux tout au long de la promenade du port ou dans la vieille ville. L'écomusée retrace l'histoire et les traditions du pays basque. La plage est particulièrement fréquentée des familles qui apprécient que la baie soit protégée et qu'en l'absence de rouleaux, la baignade soit sans danger.
The award-winning sublime commune of Eguisheim is renowned for its many breathtaking vistas. Famously dubbed as “France's Favorite Village”, the commune boasts a bevy of picture-perfect sights, structures and more. Adding to its old-school charm is the ensemble of striking architectural marvels that adorn the streets of this commune. Looking straight out of a fairytale is the ethereal Vieille ville d'Eguisheim, while the modest façade of the Église Saints-Pierre-et-Paul d'Eguisheim packs unmatched heritage within. In addition to the breathtaking beauty of the environs, Eguisheim gained fame as the place of origin of the popular Alsatian wine. Developed to its current glory by the Duke of Alsace, Eguisheim is a must-visit destination.
Situated within the Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park, Hunspach is a quintessential forest side village in Alsace, reflecting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The lush, rolling hills and forests lend a phenomenal vista to the village, while the centuries-old, ivory-hued half-timbered houses exude old-world charm. Counted among the most picturesque villages of the country, this settlement is located close to the German border. Its sparse population renders a sequestered, yet heartwarming allure to the village. The magnificent Fort De Schoenenbourg is a prominent attraction of the village, luring a steady stream of history buffs to the picturesque hamlet.
Chamonix-Mont-Blanc is in many respects the cradle of skiing, best known for its mountaineering and extreme pistes. The Verte des Houches course has also played host to the Men's Downhill and Slalom World Cup for most years since it hosted the 1924 Winter Olympics. It is a popular destination for winter sports along with mountaineering. The mountain is abuzz with activity even during summer months and visitors can indulge in adventure parks, rock climbing, paragliding, canoeing and many more adventurous activities. After an adventurous day, visitors can relax in one of the many restaurants and cafes in the city.
La roche de Saint-Emilion raconte aujourd'hui l'histoire des siècles révolus. Grottes d'ermites, caves à vin, même une église fut creusée dans la roche calcaire tendre. La cité moyenâgeuse est, certes, réputée pour ses grands vins, mais ses vieilles maisons et grottes méritent également une visite. Le nom de la ville serait celui d'un ermite doué de pouvoirs de guérison, qui, selon une légende, aurait accompli des miracles.
Villefranche-sur-Mer is a bustling seaside commune and a part of the French Riviera. Its harbor is among the deepest as well as the busiest in the region. Skirted by a range of lush mountains, this sleepy village attracts a multitude of visitors, especially those looking to engage in exhilarating water sports. Luring a steady stream of discerning tourists, the commune is teeming with luxurious accommodations aplenty. Some of the must-visit attractions of Villefranche-sur-Mer include Église Saint-Michel de Villefranche-sur-Mer, Chapelle Saint-Pierre and Plage de Villefranche-sur-Mer.
This quaint hilltop town overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and offers stunning vistas. Èze, as records suggest, dates back to 2000 BCE and is perched so high that it is often dubbed an Eagle's Nest. The stunning Jardin botanique d'Èze is a premier attraction of the town, along with Galimard. For outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers Nietzsche path and Èze-sur-Mer Beach are must-visit attractions. Given the spectacular sights enveloping the town, it is no surprise that Èze draws hordes of tourists including newlyweds every year.
Most well-known for being the inspiration behind French impressionist Claude Monet's iconic series Water Lilies, the idyllic commune of Giverny exists quietly along the banks of the Seine. A charmingly rural vibe surrounds this village in Normandy, where misty mornings shroud Medieval churches, and a canopy of weeping willows and drooping flowers adorn the unforgettable bridge from Monet's masterpiece. The highlight of the village culminates at the Maison et Jardins de Claude Monet, the house that served as the artist's residence from 1883, until his death in 1926. Hundreds of impressionism aficionados flock to the crumbling mansion and its surrounding floral gardens for a glimpse of this once-thriving art colony. While Giverny's genteel landscape stirred the strings of Monet's artistic heart, it also encouraged a bevy of American impressionists like Willard Metcalf and Louis Ritman to visit this French commune for inspiration. The Museum of Impressionism that opened in 1992 is another main attraction in town, and traces the beginnings of this 19th-century art movement. Giverny thrives on tourism that surrounds its impressionist origins.
The pilgrimage town of Rocamadour has a suitably majestic presence rising vertically against a limestone cliff. Overlooked by a historic chateau, the town is a haven for those looking to bring in an offbeat vacation. A few prominent churches make up the picturesque sanctuary that pilgrims reach by navigating hundreds of stairs. The UNESCO-listed Basilique Saint-Saveur, Notre-Dame Chapel with its 12th-century statue of the Black Virgin and the Saint-Michel chapel are unmissable attractions of the town.
Si les habitants décidèrent de s'installer en haut sur la montagne, c'est moins pour la vue que pour échapper aux attaques et invasions de toutes sortes. Ainsi perchés et rassurés par la forteresse qui date du Xe siècle, les habitants reprirent peu à peu confiance. La forteresse qui, au XVIe siècle, fut remaniée en château Renaissance, continue d'attirer nombre de visiteurs qui, aujourd'hui, peuvent jouir de la vue sans aucune crainte.