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Best Historic Locations in Rome

Par: Cityseeker
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Palazzo Venezia

Construction of this palace begun in 1455 for the Venetian cardinal, Pietro Barbi, who made it his residence. Construction of the first palace was completed shortly before his election to the Papacy in 1464 when he adopted the name Paul II. He then decided to amplify the palace and make it a dwelling worthy of a Pope. The work continued until 20 years after the Pope's death and it underwent architectural transformations on several occasions over the centuries. In 1916, it was confiscated by the state of Italy which decided to make it the National Museum of the Palazzo Venezia. It displays a collection of Renaissance and Baroque art, historical artifacts, and archaeological finds.

Piazza Venezia 3, Rome, Italie, 00187
Santa Maria in Aracoeli

The beautiful church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, built on the foundations of the temple of Juno, is located on top of the Capitoline hill, near the Campidoglio. It is reached by more than 100 steps, which, according to tradition, one must climb on one's knees in order to obtain pardon for one's sins. The interior of the church is magnificently decorated with paintings by Pinturicchio, and the ceiling bears frescoes recording the battle of Lepanto. It is said that the statue of the baby Jesus, carved from a tree trunk from the garden of Gethsemane, has miraculous powers. However, the original statue was stolen and never recovered.

Scala dell'Arce Capitolina 12, Rome, Italie, 00186
Complesso del Vittoriano

Popular among locals as Il Milite Ignoto 'The Unknown Soldier', Complesso del Vittoriano is a museum that houses the bodies of soldiers who fought in the World War I. After efforts of more than 20 years put into constructing this monument, it was completed in 1911. The front facade of the Vittoriano monument is a landmark in itself, embellished with sculptures representing the various regions of Italy. The fountain of the two seas greets visitors who enter through the gates. At the center of the monument is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a solemn memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers of Italy from World War I.

Via di San Pietro in Carcere, Rome, Italie, 00186
Church of the Gesù, Frascati

The Church of the Gesù in Frascati is a notable example of Baroque architecture and Jesuit influence outside the Italian capital. The first church that was built here in the 16th Century was replaced by a new structure in 1700. It features a facade adorned with decorative elements typical of the Baroque style, including columns, pilasters, and intricate sculptures. It is home to a Refuge of Sinners image of Virgin Mary, which was believed to have miraculous properties and made this place an important place of worship.

Via degli Astalli 16, Rome, Italie, 00186
Trajan's Column

Trajan's Column stands between two seemingly twin churches—Santa Maria di Loreto and Santissimo Nome di Maria. It is 40 meters high and overlooks the remaining columns of the ancient Ulpia Basilica in Trajan's Forum. Local tradition has it that the column was originally erected between two large libraries that were, with the terrace of Trajan's Temple and the terrace of the Ulpia Basilica, places where Romans could admire the historical reliefs on the column. The column has resisted the ravages of time and weathered the elements superbly over the years. The spiral frieze illustrates the most important episodes in Trajan's successful expedition against the Dacians as well as shows the everyday lives of soldiers. At the top of the column (reached via a stairway inside), there is a bronze statue of St. Peter sculpted by Tommaso della Porta.

Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome, Italie, 00187
Piazza del Campidoglio

La réorganisation de la Piazza del Campidoglio commença en 1539 et faisait partie d'un programme voulu par le Pape Paul III. C'était la première place faisant partie d'un plan conçu par Michel-ange entre le Palazzo Senatorio et le Palazzo dei Conservatori délimité par une construction symétrique. La place a une forme trapézoïdale avec le Palazzo Senatorio (siège des bureaux administratifs de la mairie) sur le côté le plus long et les Musées Capitoline de l'autre côté. Michel-ange dessina le monumental enchaînement de marches qui mène à la place, et de chaque côté se trouve les Dioscuri de Giacomo della Porta. Michel-Ange dessina aussi le carrelage au centre duquel se trouve la statue de Marc Aurèle qui survit au Moyen-Age car on pensait qu'elle représentait l'empereur Constantine, protecteur de la religion chrétienne.

Via di San Pietro in Carcere, Rome, Italie, 00186
Trajan's Market

Trajan's Market is probably the oldest shopping center in the world. Built by the Emperor Trajan in the 2nd Century, it served as a bustling hub of commercial activity, comprising a multi-level shopping arcade, administrative offices, and possibly even apartments. The finest shops were decorated with mosaics depicting the merchandise on sale. Remarkably well-preserved, Trajan's Market allows visitors to wander through its intricate network of corridors, staircases, and shops, where merchants once peddled their wares to the citizens of ancient Rome.

Via IV Novembre 94, Rome, Italie, 00187
Capitoline Hill

Capitoline Hill is one of the seven hills that were located in the ancient city of Rome, and was once the center of all the activities of the empire. The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, one of the most revered temples at that time stood here, and its ruins are still visible. Housed here are the Musei Capitolini and the iconic Piazza del Campidoglio, a masterpiece of urban design by the Renaissance architect Michelangelo. From its commanding perch atop the hill, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of Rome's historic center.

Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, Italie, 00186
Arch of Septimius Severus

On the far western end of the Roman Forum, the tall structure made of gleaming marble is the Arch of Septimius Severus, commonly referred to by locals as Arco di Settimio Severo. Established in 203 CE, this arch was constructed as a tribute to Emperor Septimius Severus and his progeny’s conquest over the Parthians. Standing at a height of 20.88 meters (68.6 feet), this structure has beautiful carvings of the victorious battle etched into its facade. The top of this memorial is embellished with sculptures of the emperor and his sons. Beginning with Septimius Severus, Roman emperors commonly used triumphal arches to tom-tom their achievements such that they were there for top-of-mind recall of all in their realm.

Via dell'Arco di Settimio, Rome, Italie, 00186
Temple of Saturn

Just like the Colosseum, the Temple of Saturn is a prominent icon of ancient Rome's prosperity and architectural grandiose. It is not hard to find this landmark although only a few columns of the temple survive; the ruins of the temple jut out at the base of the touristy Capitoline Hill. The history of this temple dates back to 497 BCE, having been built under the seventh and last king of Rome—Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. The temple is known to have undergone facelifts several times during the Republic era; however, it remained consecrated to the god Saturn. A definite must-visit for Roman history enthusiasts.

Via Monte Tarpeo, Rome, Italie, 00186
Forum romain

Symbole passé de l’empire romain, le Foro Romano était le noyau de la vie sociale, politique et économique de cette ville historique. Situé entre les collines palatine et capitoline, c’était un lieu de rencontre vénéré qui fut témoin de l’alpha et de l’oméga d’un empire florissant. Des processions triomphales eurent lieu sur les routes royales de cette plaza, tandis que des silences morbides flottaient dans l’air après les procès et les exécutions. Parmi les vestiges inestimables qui demeurent aujourd’hui, les plus importants incluent la Regia, la résidence royale, le temple de Vesta et le temple de Saturne. Vers le Nord-Ouest, l’Umbilicus Urbis indique le cœur symbolique de la Rome antique, et l’aile Nord de la basilique de Maxence s’élève encore aujourd’hui dans toute sa splendeur. Malgré les ravages du temps sur leur gloire éphémère, ces vestiges demeurent extraordinaires, et les colonnes usées, les façades de marbre ancien semblant sur le point de s’écrouler et les arches triomphales stoïques dominent encore l’horizon désuet de ces ruines.

Via della Salara Vecchia 5/6, Rome, Italie, 00186
Sant'Ignazio Church, Rome

Sant'Ignazio Church was built in the first decade of the 17th Century to pay homage to the founder of the Jesuit Order. The magnificent splendor of this chapel is typical of the period. Inside, you can admire the precious stones, gilding, marble and stucco work. For the frescoes they called upon the artist Andrea Pozzo, who designed the trompe l'oeil effect ceiling featuring a cupola. A cupola was designed but never built, due to the proximity of the monastery of Dominican friars, as it would have blocked the light in their living quarters.

Via del Caravita 8A, Rome, Italie, 00186
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