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Plus appréciés Attractions à Dallas

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White Rock Lake

White Rock Lake covers 1,254 acres (507 hectares). It offers beautiful picnic spots and recreational areas, providing a peaceful break from city life. You can enjoy walking or biking on the many waterfront trails, with a full loop around the lake taking about three hours. Activities like fishing, sailing, and horseback riding are available for those seeking adventure. Bird watchers will love the variety of exotic species. The scenic views of lush landscapes and calm waters create a tranquil setting.

Cedar Ridge Preserve

The beauty of Texas' nature can be experienced first-hand with a hike through this preserve. With guided and self-guided tours available along the ten miles of wooded trails, outdoor enthusiasts can explore the Escarpment Nature Preserve, the highest point in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Along the way, you can view ponds, wildflowers, and a butterfly garden before arriving at vistas and an observation tower. The trails vary in difficulty and are all natural terrain paved with rock, mulch, or dirt. They are designed for foot traffic only; bikes and roller blades are not allowed. Hikes can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours, depending on the trail selected. A snack bar, gift shop, and amphitheater are also located on the grounds.

Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

Off the shores of White Rock Lake lies the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. The 66 acres (27 hectares) of lush, perfectly manicured landscapes hold a treasure trove of trees, shrubs, and flowers that are sure to make anyone green with envy. The DeGolyer House, a 1940s-style Spanish mansion, is also located on the grounds, where tours of the house and its sculpture garden are offered. The Jonsson Color Gardens and A Woman's Garden are exquisite features of the picturesque grounds.

The Dallas Children's Theater

A visit to the Dallas Children's Theater is entertainment for the entire family. Introduce your little ones to the world of live theater by involving them in activities here. Classes are offered here, and are conducted by established artists. A number of excellent plays including Rumpelstiltskin, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and several musicals have been shown here.

Klyde Warren Park

If you're looking for fun outdoor activities in Dallas, head over to Klyde Warren Park. Built over the Woodall Rodgers Freeway, this park gives city dwellers a much-needed green space. Dogs can run free through the water fountains in the dog park to keep cool. Concerts and other events open to the public are held here often. Bask in the sun, play some chess or ping pong, or take the kids over to the playground - make a day of it!

Dallas Zoo

Dallas Zoo encompasses 106-acres (42 hectares) of exotic and traditional zoo animals. Visitors are greeted at the entrance by one of the tallest statues in Texas - a 67.5 foot (20.5 meters) giraffe. The Wilds of Africa attraction includes the chimpanzee forest, the gorilla center and an aviary on a quarter-mile nature trail where six natural habitats are featured: forest, mountain, woodland, river, desert and brush. A 20-minute monorail ride runs the course of the attraction and costs an additional fee. The ZooNorth attraction includes a bird and reptile building, children's zoo with touchable animals, cheetah exhibit, elephants, giraffes, flamingos and other traditional animals.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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