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Queen Mary

C'est un des paquebots les plus luxueux du XXe siècle. Il est un symbole de Long Beach Harbor, depuis 1967. Plus long que le Titanic, il permet aux touristes de visiter ses soutes, sa salle des machines et les chambres des officiers. Le bateau fut aussi transformé en hôtel et il propose des restaurants, des magasins et même une chapelle.

Candy Cane Inn

Locals frequently recommend this hotel, which offers a free shuttle to nearby Disneyland (the gate is just 250 yards (0.22 kilometers) away). The grounds and common areas are warm and welcoming and the rooms are moderately priced. Pamper yourself at their on-site spa or relax by the outdoor swimming pool. The service, decor and location keep guests returning year after year.

Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa

Belonging to the chain of Disneyland Resorts, this resort offers premier accommodation to visitors to the Disneyland. While in the Downtown Disneyland district, you'll never be far from the action. Plus perfect and warm service makes this place a homey option. On a rejuvenating tour of the fun-filled district, make sure you find time for yourself for a 'touch of Bali' at the Mandara Spa. Children especially will love all the activities at the theme parks that you can access from the hotel. Check out the calender of events to make sure you catch all the action live!

Ayres Hotel Anaheim

This distinctive Anaheim hotel is located in the heart of Orange County just 2 miles (3 kilometers) away from Disneyland and other popular attractions. Ayres Hotel Anaheim is a boutique hotel which offers all the comforts of home with its beautiful suites and guest rooms. Feel right at home when you walk through the lobby, which is designed to resemble a comfortable living room complete with a fireplace, imported area rugs and inviting ambiance. A complimentary hot breakfast is also included.

Desert Palm Hotel & Suites

Located near Disneyland, this is a moderately priced option for both business and leisure travelers. Both rooms and suites are featured in this newly remodeled hotel. They have amenities like a swimming pool, comfortable beds and spacious bathrooms. The staff is helpful and will fill you in on everything you need to know about your stay in Anaheim. If you are looking for a good place near Disneyland, but don't want to empty your wallet before you get to the park, this is a great choice.

Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa

The Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort is the place to go if you're dreaming of white beaches and tranquil blue seas. Located on eight miles (12.87 kilometers) of beach above the Pacific Coast Highway, it is perfect for weekend getaways or as a vacation spot for the whole family. It provides luxury facilities including three restaurants, a lounge and a huge shopping center. One of the main attractions at the hotel is the spa. From body treatments to skin treatments, a steam room and a whirlpool, it offers hard-to-resist spa packages. The hotel is also close to Huntington Beach's local attractions, so don't forget to get off the sundeck or the massage table and explore the city!

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1 0 0 0 10 0

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1 691 0 0 0,6 6