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Plus appréciés Restaurants et cafés à Garden Grove

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La Cave

La Cave has been thriving for 50 years, opened on Valentine's day in 1962. This subterranean gem has been popular for its fine steaks and seafood, vibrant lounge with live music, DJs, dancing and more. So it doesn’t matter if its a dimly lit cellar because it is great escapade from the daily grind to dine and unwind. Here's to La Cave, uncork the bubbly!

Beachcomber Restaurant

Located right on the sand of Crystal Cove, the Beachcomber operates in one of the historic cottages, and features seafood and mixed drinks. The quality of the food and the service is best proved by its popularity: the wait is often two hours, and limited reservations are accepted only on-line. However, a little planning can make the wait hassle free: make the Beachcomber reception the first stop at Crystal Cove, drop in your name and number, then go explore the beach until being called. Don't have 2 hours? Come for an early breakfast – sipping a cup of coffee on the sun deck while looking out at Santa Catalina Island. A perfect way to start your day.

Five Crowns

Five Crowns is a reproduction of Ye Olde Bell, England's oldest Inn located in Hurley-on-Thames, not far from London. The décor resembles an English tavern to match the outside, and the waitresses are dressed in attractive outfits. The clientele is varied and comes to enjoy the good, hearty meat dishes and the sublime décor. Some of the specialties are roast prime ribs of beef, rack of lamb, duck, veal and fresh seafood. There is a fully stocked bar and an award-winning wine list with bottles of every price range.

The Pub at Chino Hills

Located in the secluded suburb of Chino Hills, this pub offers American comfort food and stellar drinks in a convivial atmosphere. Open for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch, Chino Hills Pub is more than just a place that serves food, it's a restaurant where the whole family can gather. Craft beers and superb cocktails are behind the bar while the kitchen serves burgers, sandwiches, salads, signature dishes as well as a kid's menu. Sunday brunch is from 9a to 1p and it features bottomless Mimosas and Bloody Marys.

The Past Memories

The Past Memories is a restaurant and bar that serves excellent Korean dishes and soju. The menu is filled with creatively prepared Korean street food, with such dishes as chicken wings, seafood pancakes and kimchi ramen noodles. There is also a wide variety of flavored soju available, with the drinks beings served with onion and shrimp chips.

House of Blues Anaheim

The House of Blues at Anaheim is the place for astounding live music and superb southern cuisine! It is heaven to all music lovers from Rock n' Roll, Punk, Alternative, Rap, Country, to Classical you can find any genre of music here. Alongside with their love for music comes their passion for food. One can find delicious traditional southern favorites such as BBQ Baby Back Ribs and Creole Jambalaya to their own unique creation like Voodoo Shrimp. The House of Blues is the destination for diversity, culture, music, and fine cuisine.

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4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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4,2 4070 0 0 0,6 6