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Princeton Public Library

The Princeton Public Library is dedicated to offering a wide range of books for people of all ages, covering almost every genre. In addition, they have various programs and events for children, parents and young adults.

Statue de la Liberté

Étincelant symbole de liberté, Dame Liberté domine l’île éponyme de New York, avec sa forme en cuivre forgé surplombant le port de la ville dans toute sa splendeur. L’activiste français Édouard René de Laboulaye souhaitait exprimer la solidarité avec les États-Unis au nom de sa nation, à condition que les États-Unis décident de construire un monument qui serait emblématique de leur indépendance. La statue de la Liberté fut ainsi la culmination créative du sculpteur français Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi et de Gustave Eiffel, avant de devenir un cadeau honorable de la France aux États-Unis. Conçue pour représenter la déesse romaine Libertas, Dame Liberté regarde fièrement au loin, son bras droit portant un flambeau levé vers le ciel, tandis que sa main gauche tient une tablette sur laquelle on peut lire la date de la Déclaration d’indépendance des États-Unis. Au fil de ans, cette statue a non seulement donné un sentiment de fierté à de nombreux Américains, mais a également accueilli des dizaines de milliers d’immigrants qui affrontèrent les océans en quête d’une nouvelle vie.

Princeton University Art Museum

One of the best museums in the country boasting over 72,000 artifacts, the Princeton University Art Museum enjoys its location on the grassy campus of the Princeton University. The collections are stunning and cover ancient Islamic Art, Asian Art, lithographs, prints, photographs, pottery, sculpture, African and European Art from across several centuries.

Princeton University

Founded on October 22, 1746 Princeton University is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. It offers courses in a number of diverse fields ranging from arts and humanities to social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. It is also one of the world’s most prestigious research universities. The financial program of the university is also quite expansive, aimed at picking up competent students from all economic backgrounds and social classes, so as to allow everyone to be capable of affording world-class education at Princeton.

Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park

Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park has many historic structures like 19th Century cobblestone spillways, bridges, stone culverts, bridge tender houses and so on. The park is teeming with greenery and makes for a great spot to engage in activities like jogging, horseback riding, hiking, biking and more.

St. Lucy's Church

Built in 1925, St. Lucy's Church was established to serve the city's Italian diaspora. The brick and stone building was constructed in the Romanesque style of architecture, but the real treasures can be found in the church interiors. Studded with awe-inspiring murals, frescoes and sculptural work, the church interiors are a spectacular affair and warrant a visit. Built in 1925, this historic church found its place in the prestigious National Register of Historic Places in the year 1998. St. Lucy's Church is the National Shrine of St. Gerard.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 929 0 0 0,6 6