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Chercher Sur Un Rayon (miles)
Swansea Indoor Market

The city's covered market is one of the biggest of its kind in UK. Though the current glass roofed building is post war, there has been a market on this site since the Middle Ages. It's very animated, friendly and distinctly Welsh. The rotunda at the center is surrounded by fresh cockle and laverbread stalls, the two most renowned local specialties. More seafood and fish, all freshly caught, plus games are available on stalls near the Union Street entrance. There are excellent general butchers, bacon specialists, bakers offering traditional Welsh-cakes, cheese and continental sausage sellers and fruit and veggie stalls. You can also find books, toys, pet supplies, hardware, clothing, haberdashery and household items.

Stephen Hughes Fine Diamonds

Stephen Hughes Fine Diamond est un bijoutier du coin avec une grande sélection de pièces originales et parfois faites sur mesure. Admirez des offrandes faites avec de l’or et de l’argent gallois et beaucoup de trouvailles antiquaires. On peut vendre et acheter de bijoux d’occasion, et des réparations, ainsi que évaluations, sont possible ; du crédit sans intérêt est disponible.

Cover to Cover

Le but de ce petit magasin est d’unir les petits plaisirs sous un toit. Pour ceux qui adorent la lecture, c’est certainement le cas. Cette librairie a une grande sélection de romans et d’essaies et un bon choix de livres pour enfants, ainsi qu’une petite collection de musique classique. Cover to Cover vend aussi des marchandises de France, d’Italie, de Suède, du Maroc et du Pays de Galles qui font des cadeaux idéales. Du papier-cadeaux est disponible. De la livraison surligne est aussi disponible sur leur site internet. Le magasin accueille des évènements pour enfants.


Clarks has long been known as a family store of reliable quality. It is still quite conservative, style-wise, but it does offer a good choice for classic and comfortable footwear. The Swansea store has an array of footwear for ladies, men and children. A measuring and fitting service is available which is invaluable for children. Some shoes come in a range of width fittings as well as the full range of sizes. Though a little dearer than some other shops, a standard pair of shoes is worth the buy. Also, these shoes are designed to take a lot of wear.

Aardvark Wholefoods

This small shop near the market is packed with tempting organic and whole food produce. There's a selection of locally grown, organic fresh fruit and vegetables; a good range of breads and locally made pies and pasties; and a very wide variety of different rice, flours, cereals, pulses, nuts and dried fruits, all very reasonably priced. Salt-free and gluten-free foods are available, along with fresh spices, Fair Trade products and organic wines. Aardvark has recently opened a deli, Aardel, selling organic cooked and uncooked meats, flavored olives and hot organic veggie pies.

Carmarthen Market

Carmarthen's covered market houses several good shops and stalls, selling local produce including fish, seafood and game, cured ham, cheeses, and fruit, and vegetables. You can buy bulbs, seeds and plants for the garden, browse through bric-à-brac, secondhand books and obscure collections of music, buy novelty items, and get your pictures framed, or your house name engraved in slate. Outside, in the Market Precinct, there are rows of stalls, selling cheap clothing and household goods and a waffle stand. The shops and some stalls, in the covered market are open every day except Sunday. A farmers' market takes place here on the first Friday of every month.

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8 0 0 0 10 0

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8 48 0 0 0,6 6