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Plus appréciés Attractions à Lauterbach

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Dorotheenhütte Wolfach

At Dorotheenhütte Wolfach you'll be able to experience first hand the intricate art of Glass-blowing. At the workshops, you can observe how these unique individual pieces are created using traditional methods. At the Glass works, you'll also find a fascinating museum chronicling the development in the art of glass-making, tools techniques and more. Buy lovely souvenirs for yourself and your family at the Christmas Market.

German Clock Museum

The German Clock Museum is a renowned museum that was selected to represent the country in the federal chancellor's competition, Land of Ideas. The museum is home to enormous permanent and temporary exhibits of the clock making history. Here, visitors can learn about the history of time measurement, the mechanical instruments and other timepiece related objects to understand better. The museum has on display wooden centuries-old clocks and pocket watches used in the town of Black Forest. Some of the highlights here include the Hans Lang clock, Alexander Bain's electrically impulsed pendulum clock, August Noll's musical automaton clock and many more. A great museum to know the history of time, the museum is a great place for school trips.


The Titisee is located in the southern part of the Black Forest. Titan, the Roman Emperor, was the inspiration for its name, as well as the spa town that rests on its banks. The lake has a surface area of 1.07 square kilometers (0.41 square miles) and has a maximum depth of 39 meters (128 feet). The moraine valley was formed by the slow and forceful journey of the Feldberg glacier. The lake flows out into the Gautach river and is prone to strict ice regulations.

All Saints' Abbey

Located in the town of Oppenau and the Black Forest of Germany, All Saints' Abbey (Kloster Allerheiligen) is a Premonstratensian abbey that has an unusual structure with large brick walls standing just above the main façade. The building, which is constructed out of brown bricks, was established in the 11th century and was promoted to the ranks of an abbey in 1657. Destroyed by several fires, the building was demolished and its stones were used for reconstruction purposes in the nearby town. However, as tourism expanded, it was remade and rebuilt to its current form.

Alpirsbach Abbey

Established by Count Adalbert in the 11th Century, this abbey was affiliated with the Hirsau reform. Alpirsbach Abbey (Kloster Alpirsbach) was run by Benedictine monks and comprises of the church, monastery and a castle ruin. It is a wonderful example of Middle Ages architecture with elements of remarkable Romanesque and Gothic styles of architecture. After the abbey dissolved, it was an Evangelical boarding school in the 16th Century. As you tour this ancient structure, get a glimpse of its history through its period decor and the fascinating exhibits in the on-site museum. There are many cultural events taking place in this historic building. The timings are seasonal, so please check before making a visit.

Alpirsbacher Offizin

Established in the honor of letterpress printing inventor, Johannes Gensfleisch Zur Laden, also known as Gutenberg, Alpirsbacher Offizin is a historical printing house where visitors can have a hands-on experience on a few printing instruments from the past. The extensive innovations found here are considered to be one of the most significant cultural achievements in human history. This historical place displays the development of book printing over the years. A replica of a historical Gutenberg Press made from an old oak beam is seen here too.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 458 0 0 0,6 6