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Plus appréciés Attractions à Le Havre

Chercher Sur Un Rayon (miles)
Musée d'art moderne André Malraux - MuMa

This museum hosts different exhibitions and art's events. The art there is indeed very diverse from different cultures and with different conceptions.

Cultural Center La Forge

The best way to experience any city on the map is to come in direct contact with the culture. The best place to discover this is to visit the Cultural Center La Forge which is located in the city of Harfleur. The event hosts a number of live performances by talents artists as well as exhibitions portraying newfound creativity. Besides, they also have well-furnished rental spaces for various private and social events. Do visit the center while in the city.

Cerza Parc des Safaris

Cerza Parc des Safaris is a 70-hectare (173 acre) animal park that is home to more than 100 species of animals from around the world. Offering safaris and walking tours for people of all ages, this is a must-visit attraction while in the city. Taking the train safari while here is highly recommended. Cerza Parc des Safaris is home to white tigers, Indian rhinoceros, lions, giraffes, Tundra wolves and spectacled bears among others.

Benedictine Palace

This palace offers tours about spices and other local specialities.

Casino d'Yport

Casino d'Yport is a huge casino that is equipped with a number of slot machines, making it an ideal hangout for fans of stud poker and blackjack. The venue is considered as a hip location by many, thanks to its jovial atmosphere and cozy ambiance. Besides that, there's a restaurant in its premises that offers sumptuous meals. Casino d'Yport is also a popular events space where live musicals, concerts and gigs take place on a regular basis. Check website to know more.

Le Volcan

Construit par l’architecte brésilien Oscar Niemeyer, Le Volcan qui abrite la Maison de la Culture du Havre (MCH), est une riche source d’activités culturelles. Le titre « scène nationale » a été attribué au Volcan par le Ministère de la Culture pour marquer le fait qu’il fait parti des 70 établissements les plus importants en France. Si vous cherchez une soirée dansante, du théâtre, du cinéma, ou de l’opéra, Le Volcan est votre destination idéale. Il est situé dans le centre ville du Havre et on ne peut pas le louper : les deux bâtiments ont été dessinés pour ressembler à des volcans. De plus, Le Volcan accueille un large panel de concerts, du jazz à la musique classique en passant par la musique du monde.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 194 0 0 0,6 6