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Plus appréciés Restaurants et cafés à Maastricht

Chercher Sur Un Rayon (miles)

Sample freshly baked bread, sumptuous pies and delicious cakes at Bisschopsmolen. The bakers take great pride in their craft, offering a delectable selection of baked goods, prepared using traditional methods, natural ingredients and flour milled by its historic namesake - the Bisschopsmolen or Bishop's Mill. Stop by to sample the delicious goodies on offer, and pay a visit to the historic mill. Restored to working order by Frank van Eerd in 2004, the mill has come to be a local landmark and attracts visitors from all around. There is also a taproom, where you can treat yourself to a breakfast or lunch of fresh bread, pastries and cake from the bakeshop, alongside coffee, tea and fresh juice.

Burg Stolberg

The city of Stolberg derives its name from Burg Stolberg, an impressive castle that was constructed in the 12th Century. This Medieval fortress looks like it has come straight out of a fairy story and even has an underground tunnel, which was used to store wine and beer in the 19th Century. Renovations were carried out till the early 20th Century and hence, the castle exhibits a blend of architectural styles, right from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period. Today, it houses a museum where you can learn more about the local history and a restaurant that serves traditional German specialties. The Ritterstube restaurant is ideal for romantic dinners in a Medieval setting. Moreover, there are plenty of packages at this castle for organizing private events.

La Bécasse

La Bécasse is a quiet and modern eatery that sits amidst the greenery of Aachen. The menu serves a good mix of delicious French and German dishes. For contemporary tastes, try out the French delicacies whereas for traditional savories pick the German ones. Irrespective of what you choose to eat here, you can be well assured of having a meal that is fresh and exceptionally well prepared. Hence, when in Aachen don't miss the La Bécasse. Lunch is served daily from Tuesday to Friday and dinner from Monday to Saturday.

St. Jacques

Cuisine internationale de haut niveau dans un environnement très soigné, et élégant; terrasse.


Housed in a historical chapel and set in a rustic space comprising of vaulted ceiling, stone walls, comfy chairs and dim lighting, L'Auberge allows patrons to relax in an opulent ambience, before they tantalize their buds with the sumptuous dishes on offer. The menu is seasonal, and guests can order a la carte, however there is usually a three course menu on offer as well. Fried LIttle SOle, Pork Cheeks and Salmon Tartare are the kind of delicacies usually on the menu. They also have a great assortment of cheeses as well a selection of local wines on offer. The ambience and the food make the restaurant the perfect venue for special occasions, dinner dates and other private events.

0,6 686 115 1 4,2|106,2|107 [["Bisschopsmolen","50.846369974203","5.6926621448821","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Stenenbrug 3, Maastricht, 6211 HP","https:\/\/\/fr\/maastricht\/1122656-bisschopsmolen"],["Burg Stolberg","50.767105628885","6.2328878464347","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Faches-Thumesnil-Platz, Stolberg (Rhineland), 52222","https:\/\/\/fr\/stolberg-de\/932992-burg-stolberg"],["La B\u00e9casse","50.770179214012","6.0693001200578","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Hanbrucher Strasse 1, Aachen, 52064","https:\/\/\/fr\/cologne\/378917-la-b\u00e9casse"],["St. Jacques","51.016018212808","6.1766489225824","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Feldstra\u00dfe 50, Heinsberg, 52525","https:\/\/\/fr\/dusseldorf\/1034717-st-jacques"],["Lucky Luc Snacks","50.848842502683","5.690743715499","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Sint Amorsplein 3, Maastricht, 6211 GT","https:\/\/\/fr\/maastricht\/1560149-lucky-luc-snacks"],["L'Auberge","50.818711123159","5.6673451949498","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Cannerweg 800, Maastricht, 6213 ND","https:\/\/\/fr\/maastricht\/1122644-l-auberge"]] adayincity 1122656,932992,378917,1034717,1560149,1122644 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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