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Plus appréciés Shopping à Neckarsulm

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Ludwigsburger Barock-Weihnachtsmarkt

Celebrate the festive season of Christmas by visiting this dazzling market which features a plethora of stalls and showcases catering to the beloved holiday. Be it food, events or colorful crafts, Barock-Weihnachtsmarkt enchants with its versatility and draws scores of visitors during this time of year. Admire the wings of light unfurling over the market, or stroll through the lively area as you adsorb the alluring sights and sounds.

Porsche Design Studio

Porsche Design Studio brings to you a wide range of sports and travel accessories to choose from. Located inside the Porsche Center, this store is known for its chic collection that ranges from travel, fashion to sports and more. Whether you want a sturdy travel bag or an well-designed formal bag, this is the place to look for. Besides the comfortable and designer garments like jackets, t-shirts and others, the store has accessories like goggles to give you the complete look. The friendly staff is knowledgeable and can assist to your requirements promptly.

Weingut G.A. Heinrich

Located in close proximity to the scenic Wein Panorama Weg, Weingut G.A. Heinrich has been regaling guests with a variety of exquisite wines ever since its inception. Combining organic viticulture with artistic flair, the wine estate cultivates variants such as Rieslings, Pinot Blanc and Trollinger among others. Visit the winery's wine gallery to gain a deeper insight into the estate's workings or pick from an extensive selection to take home your choice of wine.

Weingut Leiss

Encompassed by sloping vineyards, Weingut Leiss not only offers a variety of tasteful wines to choose from but also dazzles visitors with splendid views unfurling in the vicinity. Grab a glass and head to the terrace to bask in the panoramic beauty of the winery's surrounds while sipping on delightful variants. The winery has also been lauded for its striking architectural elements, with the vinotheque swathed in warm tones which complement wine tasting sessions.

0,6 32 6 1 8 [["Ludwigsburger Barock-Weihnachtsmarkt","48.897283286986","9.1915682736465","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Arsenalstra\u00dfe 2, Ludwigsburg, 71638","https:\/\/\/fr\/ludwigsburg-de\/1206010-ludwigsburger-barock-weihnachtsmarkt"],["Porsche Design Studio","48.83438407492","9.1512923556582","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Porscheplatz 9, Stuttgart, 70435","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/988451-porsche-design-studio"],["Polsterwelt Obereisesheim","49.196746100956","9.206139628467","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Silcherstra\u00dfe 21, Neckarsulm, 74172","https:\/\/\/fr\/neckarsulm-de\/806761-polsterwelt-obereisesheim"],["M\u00f6bel Rieger","49.15334707897","9.2021354300661","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Im Neckargarten 16, Heilbronn, 74078","https:\/\/\/fr\/heilbronn-de\/1338670-m\u00f6bel-rieger"],["Weingut G.A. Heinrich","49.150072003263","9.2443878340455","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Riedstra\u00dfe 29, Heilbronn, 74076","https:\/\/\/fr\/heilbronn-de\/1043681-weingut-g-a-heinrich"],["Weingut Leiss","49.183481873588","9.3048281780109","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Lennacher Stra\u00dfe 7, Weinsberg, 74189","https:\/\/\/fr\/weinsberg-de\/1042270-weingut-leiss"]] adayincity 1206010,988451,806761,1338670,1043681,1042270 6 0 1 Shopping
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8 32 0 0 0,6 6