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Plus appréciés Shopping à Aruba

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Aruba Aloe Balm Museum

Walk into the Aruba Aloe Balm Museum, to know about the 160 years old history of Aruba's Aloe. From the farmer's harvestation of this little gluey plant to the use of the gel in the manufacture of beauty care products, the fascinating tour takes you through an exciting experience. You would be amazed to know the benefits and wonders of aloe vera plant. Known to have spread over two-thirds of the island's area, learn about the influence of this healing plant in art and architecture as well. Their aloe-based body, sun and hair care products are all made using the finest ingredients and is available for purchase. Make Aruba Aloe Balm Museum the first stop on your itinerary and you will not regret it.

Renaissance Mall

Located right in heart of downtown Oranjestad, the Renaissance Mall is Aruba's premier shopping destination for luxury brands like Chopard, Dolce & Gabbana, Burberry, Cartier and Louis Vuitton. With over 60 retail shops, restaurants and entertainment options to its credit, this luxury mall caters to the interests of Aruba's fashion-forward shoppers with a diverse offering of clothing, accessories and jewelry, alongside specialty shops selling gourmet eats, spirits, cigars, cosmetics and more.

Kay's Fine Jewelry

Kay's Fine Jewelry is a renowned chain of jewelry stores in Aruba, with this particular location being in the Socotoro area of Oranjestad. The store is a dealer of fine designer jewelry with their collections mainly comprising of precious gemstones, investment jewels, inlay jewelry, diamond rings, pearl necklaces, and bridal jewelry. They stock luxury watches manufactured by reputed watchmakers such as Tissot, Seiko, Rado, and Gucci.

Gemani Jewelers Aruba

Established in 1969, Gemani Jewelers Aruba is one of the most respect jewelers in Oranjestad selling a wide range of designer jewelry with their collection consisting of rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants, necklaces, and bangles. In addition to jewelry, they also have a section of the store dedicated to luxury watches with Omega, Breitling, and Hublot being some of the featured brands on sale. Jewelry for men is also sold here.

Shiva's Gold & Gems

Shiva's Gold & Gems is one of Aruba's most reputed jewelers, selling high-end designer jewelry to its clients since 1972. Their collections are extensive featuring an array of wedding jewelry, necklaces, pendants, earrings, and bracelets. If you're looking to purchase diamond studded jewelry, they've got that too offering a variety of cuts and sizes. Luxury watches and men's jewelry are also sold here.

Royal Plaza Mall

Located in downtown Oranjestad, across from the cruise terminal, the Royal Plaza Mall is a sight for sore eyes. Vibrant, colorful and ornate, the mall itself is a beautiful representation of Dutch-Caribbean architecture that is impossible to miss. Inside, the mall houses a diverse variety of stores including everything from high-end international brands and jewelers to colorful kiosks selling local souvenirs. While Little Switzerland is a favorite for fine jewelry, well-known brand names like Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss and Nautica feature on the list for the latest fashions favored by brand-conscious shoppers. Upstairs, you'll be treated to a lovely view of the Caribbean while the square outside boasts several charming souvenir kiosks. Whether you're in the mood for a shopping spree or window shopping, you'll find plenty to do here. A few restaurants are also located at the mall, within easy reach of the main road and bus terminals.

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