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Handley Library

The Handley Regional Library is a well-stocked public library, and one of the best in the city. The library opened in 1913 and was later renovated by Dennis Kowal Architects. The library also has a gift shop at the building. Stewart Bell Jr. Archives are also located here at the library. The library has a great collection of audio references and several options and references for locals and students. They also have book clubs and other activities. Moreover, the library also functions as the Winchester library system's main branch.

Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum

This interactive attraction proves that exploring science, mathematics, arts and humanities can be fun. The museum's motto, "To touch is to explore, to explore is to discover, to discover is to learn," is evident in its hands-on approach to the world around us. Dig for fossils in the Fossil Pit; explore enchanting exhibits like Musical Garden and Roller Coaster Alley; or learn about gravitational pull by attempting to scale a climbing wall among other exciting activities.

Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters

Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters was used as a winter home by the famous philosopher, thinker and general, Thomas Jackson, during the civil war. The place is now a museum and holds the largest collection of memorabilia and gifts that he received from his team. Among the artifacts on display are Jackson's personal prayer book and prayer table apart from his military displays.

Winchester-Frederick County Visitor Center

Located close to the Wilkins Lake, the Winchester-Frederick County Visitor Center is perfect if you wish to get all of your information on the city or simply while away time. Attractions, parks and museums are in very close proximity from here. The on-site souvenir shop allows visitors to buy some nice takeaways for their family and friends.

Abram's Delight

If you are visiting Winchester and want to explore the nearby historical landmarks, then Abram's Delight is the place to be. This private property owned by the Hollingsworth family was taken over by the city to retain and preserve its heritage structure. The house was converted into a museum and it now showcases war memorabilia and other documents.

Patsy Cline Historic House

Situated in a working-class neighborhood, this modest two-storied house serves to illustrate Patsy Cline's love for family. The landscaping and surroundings are reminiscent of the past, heralding a period of time during which Patsy lived here. This Greek Revival home is now a museum.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 353 0 0 0,6 6