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Plus appréciés Attractions à Stuttgart

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Mercedes Benz Museum

Located in the city which is called home by Mercedes Benz, the Mercedes Benz Museum is a spectacular tribute to one of the leading car brands of the world. A narrative of over a century of the brand's history, the museum was established in the year 2006. Designed by UN Studio, the design of the building is uniquely reminiscent of a double helix (human DNA), with the atrium inspired by the shape of Wankel Engine. Exhibiting over 160 vehicles, the museum displays some of the most treasured pieces of automotive history in the form of vintage cars. A paradise for car and automobile lovers, the museum's glass facade is the epitome of modern elegance.


Opened in 2001, the Killesbergturm is an observation tower which rises to a height of 42 meters (137 feet). Recognizable by its unique design where the curvy surface is supported by a steel net from the outside, the highest point of the tower offers a panoramic view of the city.


Schlossplatz is a famous square in Stuttgart that is also home to the New Palace. The square underwent renovation in 1977 for the State Garden Show. It was again given a touch-up during the 2006 FIFA World Cup. The Jubilee Column in the center of the square was built to commemorate the silver jubilee of King Wilhelm I's reign in 1841. There are two fountains from the 19th Century with four cherubs each that stand for each river of Württemberg. Many local events take place at the square, including fairs and markets.


Birkenkopf is a tall hill which is located in the beautiful neighborhood of Wangen. This artificial hill was created post World War II with the rubble of the city ruins as a memorial for the locals who lost their lives. The hilltop is adorned with a cross that is a symbol of peace and happiness for the city's future. The hill also has some ruins from the war that are interesting to look at. A visit to this hill is like paying homage to the martyrs of the city. A few ruins of the war are still intact and are worth a look.


Killesberg is a haven for flower and gardening lovers. It is an oasis of tranquility and peace. With its magnificent flora, large grassy areas and the spectacular lookout tower, the park has become a must visit when around the Killesberg Hill. There are lakes, terraces, restaurants, narrow-gauge railway, children's play areas, and more fun activities that one can think of. The park is home to the Killesberg Railway as well.

Porsche Museum

Originally established in 1976, The Porsche Museum started small and displayed more quality than quantity. However, work on expanding this museum began in 2003. Sprawled across 5600 square meters (60278 square feet), the spectacular Porsche Museum is housed in the striking white building that appears to levitate. It features more than 80 vehicles, from prototypes to boats and of course, sports cars. A must-visit for all automobile enthusiasts, the museum is also the starting point of the factory tour.

0,6 201 34 1 5,7,6 F-TA1 All Ages F-TA1|all-ages|Tous les âges [["Mercedes Benz Museum","48.788311033873","9.2339547200883","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Mercedesstra\u00dfe 100, Stuttgart, 70372","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/156919-mercedes-benz-museum"],["Killesbergturm","48.805229412447","9.171247607092","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Am Kochenhof, Stuttgart, 70192","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/1046506-killesbergturm"],["Schlossplatz","48.778591674684","9.1798579143145","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Schlossplatz 1, Stuttgart, 70173","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/394558-schlossplatz"],["Birkenkopf","48.765228409573","9.131530910842","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Rotenwaldstra\u00dfe, Stuttgart, 70197","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/677426-birkenkopf"],["Killesbergpark","48.805437733217","9.1751706969965","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Stresemannstra\u00dfe, Stuttgart, 70191","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/394827-killesbergpark"],["Porsche Museum","48.834209905096","9.152555086881","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Porscheplatz 1, Stuttgart, 70435","https:\/\/\/fr\/stuttgart\/394932-porsche-museum"]] adayincity 156919,1046506,394558,677426,394827,394932 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 201 0 0 0,6 6