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Plus appréciés Vie nocturne à Stuttgart

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Teehaus im Weißenburgpark

The history of the Teehaus im Weißenburgpark begins in 1913, when the park was a part of Ernst von Sieglin's private estate. The pavilion was built upon a design that combines neoclassical, art nouveau and rococo elements to create a truly stunning effect. Today, the pavilion has been transformed into a tea house and cafe that offers diners a chance to savor epicurean delights beneath the colorful murals that grace the ceiling. Tea, coffee, wine and regional beer are served alongside international dishes, Swabian specialties, cakes, sandwiches and other light snacks. The pavilion gives way to a sprawling beer garden with a view over the fountain and pond. Special events are also often hosted at the Teehaus im Weißenburgpark.

LKA - Longhorn

Translated from German, the "LKA" in the name of this establishment means Longhorn Cultural Exchange. Originally opened in 1984 as a country and western bar, the place was usually packed with Americans. After the withdraw of US military forces during the 1990s, however, the concept had to be changed and the cultural exchange was born. It is now a disco and concert hall with a mixed program. Amateur nights devoted to promoting local talent, classic oldies night with music from the 70s and 80s and grunge, alternative, industrial and freestyle nights fill the calendar almost every night of the week.

Weinhaus Stetter

Sommelier Andreas Scherle has been incharge of the century-old wine bar Weinhaus Stetter since 2008. Established in 1902, there is an amazing selection of wines available here. The simple and unassuming bar also serves Swabian delicacies to go along with the exotic wines. The old age charm Weinhaus Stetter has is exactly what makes this place widely admired. Go ahead and indulge yourself to a treat of fascinating wines.

Marshall Matt

Marshall Matt gives a delightfully laid back vibe to escape the pace. The cafe offers a slew of refreshing drinks in a setting that you'll never forget. An attractively laid out bar counter, brightly lit interiors and beautiful murals of Marshall Matt Dillon over the walls welcome patrons in this warm ambiance. The menu features some of the finest Italian coffees, exquisite teas, creatively crafted cocktails, Dinkelacker beers and Scottish Whiskeys, all so tempting that you won't settle for just one order. During summers, they open up their airy terrace spaces making it ideal for enjoying the city views along with your favorite drinks.

Waranga Bar & Clublounge

Waranga is one of Stuttgart's most popular meeting places. It offers a sunny terrace equipped with awnings, plants, loungers and comfortable daybeds for that genuine relaxing feeling. The club, with its tranquil atmosphere, attracts all kinds of guests. This is an ideal place to relax with your friends after a hectic day at work. The club organizes events and plays of all kinds of music, thus making it a hot spot for all revelers. The Waranga Club Lounge is also rented out for parties, business events, presentations or private parties.

Biergarten im Schlossgarten

Operational since 1996, Biergarten im Schlossgarten is one of the region's largest beer gardens with a beautiful park-like atmosphere. The specialties here includes fleischkase (a type of meat loaf) straight from the oven, freshly grilled pork knuckles and chickens, crisp roasts, and kasspatzle (cheesy noodles). There is a slew of beers to choose from, all so tempting that you won't settle for one order. With a seating capacity of about 2000 people, this open-air venue is a great place to meet your friends and relax on a weekend.

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2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Plus Vie nocturne

2,3 272 0 0 0,6 6