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Plus appréciés Attractions à York

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Long's Park

Featuring a petting zoo and a beautiful lake, and draped in lush greenery, Long's Park is one for the entire family. A plethora of fun activities awaits people of all ages; whether you want to interact with animals at the petting zoo, try you hand at fishing, relax under the shade of a tree on a balmy day or attend one of the many concerts held here, you're sure to enjoy any day spent amid Long's Park's pleasant environs. Additionally, this beautiful locale plays host to a versatile range of festivals throughout the year, drawing a decent crowd from across the city.

Susquehanna Art Museum

The Susquehanna Art Museum is an interesting art museum that houses fresh, rare and entertaining exhibits that keeps rotating as per the themes. If you love art, look no further visit, this site that is located within a nicely restored ancient building in an area that is famous among the locals and tourists. An ideal center to learn art, have private events or gatherings or simply view the various forms of art. The museum is a home to several art forms from various local, national and international artists.

Historic Rock Ford

Historic Rock Ford is a historical site located in West Lampeter in the city of Lancaster. Owned by the Hand family for generations, it has been a tourist attraction for years. The main architecture has more than 90 percent of its original set up in place. The Georgian-style brick-building which was constructed in the year 1794, has four stories with a large central hall and four rooms. Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Rock Ford boasts of having long lengths of plantation surrounding this huge country- house. There are various group tours available for viewing the mansion.

The Pennsylvania National Fire Museum

The Pennsylvania National Fire Museum opened in 1899 and has since then been exhibiting the history and process of firefighting to the visitors. Boasting a good collection of several yesteryear artifacts to the latest used tools, this museum will not fail to interest you. From firehouse buildings and their architecture to the life of a firefighter, this museum will acquaint you with everything. The gift shop here features a huge collection of books, collectibles and other toys. For more information, please check the website.

Tröegs Brewing Company

Tröegs Brewing Company was founded in the year 1996 and is one of the finest micro-breweries of Pennsylvania. Champions in producing specialty and seasonal beers, Tröegs dishes out diverse types of year-round beers: Hopback Amber Ale, Troegenator Double Bock, Tröegs Pale Ale, and seasonal varieties like Nugget Nectar, Dead Reckoning Porter, Sunshine Pils and The Mad Elf. Brewery tours are available, which allow visitors to catch a glimpse of the elaborate brewing process from fermentation and filtration to bottling of the beer. At the Tasting Room and Gift Shop, you can try out different brews and scan through beer merchandise.

Hershey's Chocolate World

Drawing in visitors of all ages, color and taste is the wonderful Hershey's Chocolate World. This place is mainly a visitor's center that includes a variety of attractions, features and events that make it different from any old boring information center. It forms a part of the bigger entertainment complex including the Hersheypark and the Giant Center. The Hershey Chocolate World takes you in to the hidden world of chocolate and the wonderful factory that churns out the many yummy chocolate bars and treats, and the famous Hershey's Kisses. Kids and adults alike will love the tours, interactive sessions and more!

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 351 0 0 0,6 6