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Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society

Organizing various tours, walks, events for all, the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society boasts a successful attempt to preserve and showcase the regional history. One of its ways of preserving history is through its museum, located in the heart of the town. It is home to wonderful collections, such as records, artifacts, photographs, objects, and more, based on the timeline - between 1805 – 2020. Tour the museum, take a riveting journey through history and, admire fascinating exhibits. Stop by the books and gift shop to check out interesting publications and items for your own collection.

National Churchill Museum

The National Churchill Museum is nestled within the sprawling campus of Westminster College. As the name suggests, this museum is dedicated to Sir Winston Churchill. Included in the National Register of Historic Places, it gives an insight into the life of this prominent personality in the history of United States. For details, check website.

Auto World Museum

Spread over 18,000 Square feet (1672 Square meters), Auto World Museum is a paradise for motor-car enthusiasts. Home to some historic automobiles dated to 1903, the vintage museum is great to learn about the history of transportation and see unusual cars. On tour, the visitors are given an audio guide. Visitors can explore the whole museum filled with vintage cars.

Brick District Fulton

Fulton, a historic town in Missouri, is home to a number of buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Many of them are located in the historic Brick District of Fulton. This historic downtown is lined with wonderful cafes and restaurants, charming boutiques, and quirky gift shops. Many of them are housed in historic buildings. Don’t miss out on wandering the bustling streets and meeting the vibrant people of Fulton.

Lewis Miller's Mitchell Collection

Are you an automobile enthusiast? Will an entire floor station with antique vehicles excite you? Look no further. Lewis Miller's Mitchell Collection is a specialty museum in Booneville, Missouri, and is a wonderful attraction. It is home to an extensive collection of Mitchell vehicles ranging from wagons, bicycles, motorcycles, and cars from the 19th to 20th century. This private collection museum is open for visitors to take a tour and learn interesting details about each model. Check the website for more.

New Visitors Center and River, Rails & Trails Museum

Located in the historic depot district of Booneville, the visitor center and museum makes it the top place to visit in the city. This wonderful attraction is home to incredible exhibits about the rich transportation history of Booneville. Visitors can check out authentic wagons, wheels, a half-scale replica of the keelboat that Lewis and Clark traveled, records of steamboat history, and an extensive exhibit on train memorabilia. Check the website for more.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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