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Più votati Attrazioni in Dayton

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National Museum of the US Air Force

National Museum of the US Air Force is a national museum dedicated to the United States Air Force. It has over 360 aircraft and missiles. It is the largest and the oldest aviation museum in the country and has been attracting millions of visitors for years now. The museum's displays consist of many historically rare aircraft that are of technological importance. So do not miss out on visiting this museum if you are an aviator lover or want to know more about American war history.

Carillon Historical Park

Constructed in 1796, Newcom Tavern is one of the oldest buildings in Ohio. The two-story structure was initially used as school, store and it also served as a courthouse during the 18th Century. It was also converted into a museum in 1896, post which it was moved to its current address at Carillon Historical Park. The historic house is still open for visits, however, entry to its second floor is restricted.

Cox Arboretum and Gardens MetroPark

Established in 1962 by James M. Cox and family- Cox Arboretum and Gardens MetroPark is a perfect spot to spend your time with your family. One can feel itself near to the nature with the greenery around there are more than 500 varieties of shrubs and trees planted here. There are special butterfly houses made and has large play area for kids.

Dayton Art Institute

Drop by if you feel like getting acquainted with diverse art forms. Check out the various international exhibitions, educational programs and much more. The vast collections displayed include photography, textiles, oceanic and pre-Columbian art. After your visit, you can stop by at Cafe Monet and feast on fast-food and homemade desserts. If you've come with a huge group, don't fret, the cafe has a private room that can accommodate up to 40 people. Also, don't forget to stop by at the museum store to pick up a unique gift for your loved one. Become a member and avail a number of discounts and personal invitations to major art events held at the museum.

America's Packard Museum

A beautiful car museum which was initially a car dealership, America's Packard Museum is a good place to be. On display are classic cars from Packard which was a car company in the early 1900s. This museum was opened in 1992 and they have one of the largest collections of Packard cars in the world. Visitors can also volunteer at the museum and enjoy a piece of history.

SunWatch Indian Village

The sprawling SunWatch Indian Village is a one-of-a-kind ancient reconstructed village of the Fort Ancient, Native American tribe. Replete with original homes, gardens, burial spaces and other significant features, the village was put together based on an archaeological excavation in the area and intensive scientific and historical study. Built to further understand the practices, culture, and life of the ancient settlements, the open-air museum takes you back in time, to a more intriguing yet exciting era.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 269 0 0 0,6 6