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Cocktail Bar
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Baretto (un Bar Senza Pretese)
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Più votati Vita notturna in Monaco di Baviera

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Hirschgarten was originally a game enclosure built by the Elector Karl Theodor at the end of the eighteenth century. A small part of the historic enclosure has been preserved and can be seen from the beer garden. With 8,000 seats, the beer garden is the biggest in the city, and is also one of the most pleasant because of its peaceful location and numerous chestnut trees. It was converted from a hunting house to a restaurant in 1970, when the garden was also built.


Pusser's is a city institution - this New York-style cocktail bar, with its old-fashioned, nostalgic decor and perfectly concocted cocktails is a favorite amongst locals and visitors alike. The drinks' selection here is marvelous. If you come to Pusser's, it's almost imperative that you try the Painkiller, a deliciously tropical combination of pineapple, grated nutmeg, coconut, fresh orange juice, and rum. There is a piano bar in the cellar, the perfect finishing touch to an evening steeped in the past.

Jazzclub Unterfahrt

Munich's oldest jazz club has been at home in the enormous vaulted cellar of a former brewery since 1998. It continues to attract the best international acts, and is popular with enthusiasts, connoisseurs and pretty much anyone who loves music. Unterfahrt has to be one of the most important venues in the city and one of Europe's most famous jazz clubs. Simple pasta dishes are served at reasonable prices, and the service is friendly and efficient. There are jam sessions by local bands and artists featured here on a daily basis. One of the most popular venues in town, this place is a hit with people of all ages.

Augustiner Keller

Augustinerkeller is one of the most frequented traditional beer gardens and Bavarian restaurants in the city center serving big glasses of exquisite beer and authentic traditional culinary delights. The restaurant boasts of a cozy and old-school European decor, ideal for enjoying a sumptuous meal. The beer served in the sun-bleached beer garden is reputed to be one of the best in Munich. Students, business people, locals and tourists alike find this heritage place incomparable.


Questo famosa birreria attira persone da tutto il mondo. Il suo fascino unico deriva dalla musica bavarese e dalla sua notevole architettura, che ne testimonia la sua storia. Birra buona e schmankerl completano l'offerta di questa movimentata birreria. In estate la gente del posto si mette nel meraviglioso cortile, mentre la sala Festsaal ospita ogni sera una serata bavarese condita con musica, il cui ingresso costa pochi euro. Il mangiare e la birra sono perfetti per un gruppo di amici. Fondata nel XVI secolo, è diventata un punto di riferimento a Monaco. Non si può non visitare la Hofbräuhaus quando si passa da Monaco.


Housed in the basement of the gothic Town Hall building in the heart of Munich, Ratskeller is a good place to stop by for a sumptuous lunch or a leisurely romantic dinner. The menu is solely inspired by traditional Bavarian cuisine, so you can sample some really great local dishes which are interspersed on the lengthy menu. If you're a first-timer then go for the Ratskeller Potatosoup, Nuremberg Style Bratwurst, Scweinebraten, Entenbraten or Beef Goulasch. Pair the food with German beer and wine, and round it off with a helping of something sweet. The cellar's arched ceilings and woodwork add to the charming ambiance as do the sounds of soft Bavarian melodies.

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