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Più votati Shopping in Vancouver

Raggio Di Ricerca (miglia)
Granville Island

Eccezionalmente vivace, Granville Island è un vero e proprio paradiso dello shopping, del divertimento e della cultura situato a pochi minuti dal centro di Vancouver. Alle prime luci dell'alba, i taxi d'acqua possono essere visti attraversare False Creek mentre trasportano prodotti locali e cassette di frutta pronte per essere vendute al Public Market. I 300 negozi e venditori che popolano questa incantevole isola la rendono colorata, allegra e calorosa. Granville Island offre qualcosa per tutti, sia che si tratti dell'assortimento dell’artigianato locale, che include arte aborigena e souvenir prodotti localmente e venduti nei negozi e nelle gallerie locali, sia che si tratti della cultura in mostra nei luoghi di spettacolo. Tra i suoi numerosi punti di riferimento vi sono la Emily Carr University of Art and Design, la Vancouver Theatresports League e la Granville Island Brewing Company.

Pacific Centre

Estendendosi per tre isolati sia sopra che sotto terra, questo centro commerciale non può che costituire la gioia di tutti coloro che amano spendere. Si trova nel centro della vita di Downtown, e contiene quasi tutti i negozi esistenti e servizi disponibili. Ci sono cosmetici, regali e oggetti ricordo come vestiti per bambini, fiori e mobili. Tra i negozi più famosi ci sono Sephora, Apple, H&M, Miss Sixty, Banana Republic e l'onnipresente GAP. L'elegante grande magazzino Holt Renfrew ha un suo spazio e l'ampia corte di bar e ristoranti offre da Quiznos ai bagel di Tim Hortons.

Main Street

Main Street, is one of the most happening streets in the city. The street extends right from Waterfront Road up to Kent Avenue. Located on this street are most of the city's top shopping centers, restaurants and bars. Visit the website to know more on offers and promotions for individual places.

Red Cat Records

Record lovers rejoice! This humble neighborhood shop stocks both new and used CDs and vinyl, specializing in rarities and local stuff like the masterful "Rock is Hard" by Vancouver's own Rodney Graham. In addition to the compelling music selection, Red Cat also plays host to gallery openings by local artists and in-store concert performances by local acts and even international superstars such as the Black Lips. Perhaps most important, the staff is eminently helpful, and gracious as can be. Check website for event announcements, ticket sales, online shopping, and adorable photos of Buddy, their cat.


Stuck indoors on a rainy day? Get off that couch and head over to Skoah, a famous spot among Canadians, to rejuvenate and revitalize. The uninitiated may well ask for advice, for the range of services available is extensive. Facials are the specialty, albeit a bit pricey, and a quick one is available for those on the run. Skincare products abound here, from toners to astringents and creams to sunscreens. The website and staff provide many useful beauty tips; a good reference for those unsure of what their skin needs. The best part is that Skoah is eco-friendly. Towels and linen are reused or donated, plastic is recycled, while the paper they use is 100% recycled.

MacLeod's Books

MacLeod's Books is any book lovers paradise. Stacks of books piled up and looking like it needs just one more to fall! Every bay in this store is packed with books and makes a great place to browse around. Collector's books, books on history and many more can be found here. Come in for one, and you are sure to walk out with at least three!

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8 0 0 0 10 0

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