"Wildlife Sanctuary"
When wild creatures are injured and need a safe place to recover and gain strength, B.E.A.K.S. comes to the rescue. Calling itself a "Bird Emergency Aid and Kare Sanctuary," the facility serves more than 2,000 birds and animals each year. Their amenities offer you an opportunity to get a close look at eagles, owls, seagulls and other bird species while they recuperate. Admission is free, but voluntary donations are accepted. Call for an appointment for a guided tour.
12084 Houston Avenue, Jacksonville, FL, United States, 32226
"Wildlife Sanctuary"
When wild creatures are injured and need a safe place to recover and gain strength, B.E.A.K.S. comes to the rescue. Calling itself a "Bird Emergency Aid and Kare Sanctuary," the facility serves more than 2,000 birds and animals each year. Their amenities offer you an opportunity to get a close look at eagles, owls, seagulls and other bird species while they recuperate. Admission is free, but voluntary donations are accepted. Call for an appointment for a guided tour.
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