"As Viewed On Fantasy Island"
The backdrop of the famed television show Fantasy Island's opening credits, this stunning waterfall is located directly off the road, just past the town of Lihue on the southern coast of Kaua'i. It is just a short ride down a rough road in Kapaia Valley. The falls can be viewed from the side of the road, but there is a trail for experienced hikers. The falls are surrounded by dense vegetation and rugged cliffs, creating a picturesque and iconic Hawaiian scenery.
End of Maalo Road, Wailua River State Park, Lihue, HI, United States, 96746
Today: 07:00 AM - 07:45 PM Closed Now
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Monday to Sunday | 07:00 AM to 07:45 PM |
"As Viewed On Fantasy Island"
The backdrop of the famed television show Fantasy Island's opening credits, this stunning waterfall is located directly off the road, just past the town of Lihue on the southern coast of Kaua'i. It is just a short ride down a rough road in Kapaia Valley. The falls can be viewed from the side of the road, but there is a trail for experienced hikers. The falls are surrounded by dense vegetation and rugged cliffs, creating a picturesque and iconic Hawaiian scenery.
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