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by Alanmak

"Historic Border Crossing"

Built in 1870, this imposing gateway marks the border between Macau and Mainland China. Its Portuguese name, 'Porta do Cerco,' which translates to 'Gate of Siege,' hints at the friction that has historically surrounded this border crossing. Back in the days when communist China had virtually closed its borders to the world, visitors used to flock here in droves to look through the gate at the forbidden land. Auguste Borget was one of such as a visitor who encapsulated the atmosphere of those times through the famous sketch he penned in the year 1842. Today, the situation is very different and the border crossing is perpetually dotted with large crowds and new buildings that have been built to cope with the daily throng. There is also a handy tourist information office located near the iconic Sun Yat Sen Park.
Norte do Hipodromo, Macau, Macau
Today: 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM Closed Now
View Full Hours
Monday to Sunday 07:15 AM to 01:00 PM
Monday to Sunday 02:30 PM to 06:00 PM
"Historic Border Crossing"
Built in 1870, this imposing gateway marks the border between Macau and Mainland China. Its Portuguese name, 'Porta do Cerco,' which translates to 'Gate of Siege,' hints at the friction that has historically surrounded this border crossing. Back in the days when communist China had virtually closed its borders to the world, visitors used to flock here in droves to look through the gate at the forbidden land. Auguste Borget was one of such as a visitor who encapsulated the atmosphere of those times through the famous sketch he penned in the year 1842. Today, the situation is very different and the border crossing is perpetually dotted with large crowds and new buildings that have been built to cope with the daily throng. There is also a handy tourist information office located near the iconic Sun Yat Sen Park.
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