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Pueblo de Chachopo

"History & Vegetables"

If you travel to Mérida by car, you will surely want to fill the trunk with souvenirs, crafts, sweets and fresh food. Wait for the day of your return, via Valera and Trujillo, to buy excellent artichokes, mushrooms, garlic, onions, potatoes, broad beans, strawberries, carrots and other vegetables, and even carnations if you so wish, in the town of Chachopo.This settlement was founded in 1581 and owes its name to the indigenous Chachopíes, who were the area's original inhabitants. Between 1840 and 1855 the church with its eagle shaped altar, the jail and the cemetery were constructed. There is also a beautiful square with a monument to Bolívar; this is in honor of the time he stayed in the town, on the 12 of June 1813, during his march through the Andes.
Carretera Trasandina, kilómetro 88, entre el Pico El Aguila y Timotes, Chachopo, Venezuela, 3112
"History & Vegetables"
If you travel to Mérida by car, you will surely want to fill the trunk with souvenirs, crafts, sweets and fresh food. Wait for the day of your return, via Valera and Trujillo, to buy excellent artichokes, mushrooms, garlic, onions, potatoes, broad beans, strawberries, carrots and other vegetables, and even carnations if you so wish, in the town of Chachopo.This settlement was founded in 1581 and owes its name to the indigenous Chachopíes, who were the area's original inhabitants. Between 1840 and 1855 the church with its eagle shaped altar, the jail and the cemetery were constructed. There is also a beautiful square with a monument to Bolívar; this is in honor of the time he stayed in the town, on the 12 of June 1813, during his march through the Andes.
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