De "Steffl" is een van de meest charmante gotische kathedralen. De basis is een 12e eeuwse constructie en werd in de gotische stijl gerenoveerd in 1304-1433. De noordelijke toren, van 70 meter hoog, werd herontworpen naar renaissancistische maatstaven in 1579 en het interieur kreeg een barokke tint tijdens de contrareformatie. De klok van de kathedraal van St. Stefan, de "Pummerin," weegt maar liefst 21 ton, en heeft veel brandschade geleden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Sindsdien is het gerepareerd en wordt nu tijdens speciale gelegenheden gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld om het nieuwe jaar in te luiden. De lichamelijke resten van ongeveer 11.000 mensen liggen in de catacomben, die door de bezoekers kunnen worden bekeken.
Originally built in 1620, this Baroque-styled Roman Catholic Church is certainly one of Vienna's most ornate in décor. In the early 1700's the Italian architect, Andrea Pozzo, redesigned the church and sculpted it into what you can see today. The pulpit features the Apostle Matthew in amazingly beautiful detail, the sanctuary is decorated with marble columns, intricately carved pews, and a spectacular domed and painted ceiling. This is a must see for all those who adore religious architecture and art!
Michaelerkirche is one of the oldest churches and few of the Roman structures left in Vienna. It is dedicated to the Archangel Michael and was the parish church of the Imperial Court. The architecture of the church has Roman and Gothic influences. Adornments like sculptures, angels and cherubs give it a neo-classical feel. Frescoes dating back to 1400, have been recently discovered. It houses the largest pipe organ in Vienna, which was played by the legendary Joseph Haydn in 1749. Michaelergruft, the crypt, located below the church, where the rich and royalty were buried attracts visitors. Truly, a visit to the church takes you back to the Roman era.
Het grote Hofburg (Hofpaleis) is het belangrijkste seculaire gebouw van Wenen, eens het centrum van het machtige Hapsburgse rijk. Het oude Hofburg, met zijn vele delen en hoftuinen, werd gebouwd (en vaak gerenoveerd) tussen de 13e en de 19e eeuw. De Neue Burg (Nieuwe paleis) werd in de late 19e en vroege 20e eeuw ontwikkeld, ondanks de teruglopende macht van het Hapsburgse rijk. Vandaag de dag is het Hofburg de thuisbasis van verschillende musea (Völkerkundemuseum, Schatzkammer, Nationalbibliothek, Albertina, Theater museum, Prunksaal, Lippizanermuseum, Spanische Hofreitschule en Kaiserappartments) en de bibliotheek, en ook de kantoren van de Oostenrijkse president. In de kapel voert de Weense Staatsopera missen op. De Koninklijke Schatkamer herbergt de kroon van de keizer van het heilige roomse rijk en de kroon van de Oostenrijkse keizer. De meubels en de andere collecties onderstrepen de klasse en de luxe. In januari vindt het Wiener Ärzteball hier plaats.
The Albertina resides on a plateau at the far end of Augustinerstraße, beyond the Augustinerkirche. It is named after Albert, Duke of Saxony-Teschen, who bought the palace in the early 19th century. On the basis of his own enthusiasm as a collector, he turned it into a place to display his collection. Today, the Albertina boasts one of the largest collections of graphic arts in the world, with approximately 50000 drawings, etchings and watercolors as well as over a million and a half printed works by all the important artists from Gothic to modern art.
Built in 1868-1871 by Heinrich Ferstel, the Museum of Applied Arts is the oldest and one of the best museums of its kind in Europe. Its permanent collections are displayed in a series of exhibition halls, each of which has its own unique style (Renaissance, Baroque, Oriental, Art Deco). The design and architecture room contains pieces by some of the 20th Century's greatest designers, while the Studiensammlung showcases fascinating studies of different materials. Visitors will need a whole morning or afternoon to be able to take everything in properly and definitely shouldn't miss the museum café.
Built between 1874 and 1878 by Karl Hasenauer and Gottfried Semper, Burgtheater is one of the most famous theaters in the German-speaking world. "The Burg," as the Viennese have dubbed it, was never just a theater but also a sacred place where heated debates took place about the function of art and culture. Older people still remember the golden years of actors and actresses like Paula Wessely, Alexander Moissi and Helene Thimig, but modern times sees a diverse program of theater, concerts and special events, including the annual Vienna Literature Festival.
Designed and built at the end of the 19th Century by Gottfried Semper and Karl Hasenauer, the Kunsthistorisches Museum houses the Habsburg family's art collection, widely regarded to be one of the finest in Europe. The Picture Gallery is literally a Who's Who of the old masters, containing works by the likes of Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Dürer, Raphael, Titian and Velazquez, as well as a comprehensive collection of paintings by Breugel. One visit is hardly enough to take everything in - lots of people return for a second or third time. The Ephesus Museum - a collection of arms and armour - and the collection of ancient musical instruments in the Imperial Palace also belong to the Kunsthistorisches Museum and are worthy of a visit in their own right.
Vienna Museum Karlsplatz belongs to the group of Vienna Museums and is popular for exhibiting the historic artifacts. Spread across three floors, this museum has an interesting collection of local history artifacts and art. The exhibits here include the archaeological finds from the Neolithic ages. Besides there are ancient painting and sculptures and other historic artworks displayed at this museum. All in all, this place is a must visit for the art and history enthusiasts in the city.
This towering baroque construction was built on the request of Emperor Karl the Sixth. In 1713, he resolved to commission the construction of a church, if the terrible plague epidemic should cease. Once the epidemic had been stamped out, Vienna's most magnificent baroque church was duly erected, according to the designs of architect Johann Fischer von Erlach. The dome-shaped roof, which stands 72 meters (236.22 feet) high, is reminiscent of Roman designs. The interior of the church benefited from the work of distinguished baroque artists such as Johann Michael Rottmayr, Sebastiano Ricci and Lorenzo Matielli. The area directly in front of the church was renovated with a sculpture by Henry Moore and a pond.
This late Gothic church was erected in 1856-79 as a reminder of the failed attempt to assassinate Emperor Franz Josef. The plans for its construction were created by Heinrich Ferstel who modelled them after medieval trends in architecture. In the baptistry stands a late Gothic statue of Count Niklas Salms who had control of the Austrian troops during the first Turkish invasion of Vienna.
Established in 1991, the building itself was converted from the Thonet Brothers' furniture factory, built in 1892. One of Vienna's most famous modern artists, Friedensreich Hundertwasser designed this museum/art gallery and filled it with his beautiful and colorful paintings. There are also several international exhibits that change regularly, so you may want to visit over and over again. There is a large museum shop with fabulous artwork and other souvenirs. Of the four floors, the second is dedicated to the works of Hundertwasser, the third and fourth floors contain the international exhibits. On the ground floor, there is the shop and the large and beautiful Im KunstHaus cafe and restaurant.