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Top Rated Shopping in El Paso

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Armoire is a boutique shop that specializes in men's and women's clothes alongside accessories for the home. It is somewhat of a one-stop shop because you can find a shirt, tie, wine rack, some utensils and anything else you might need for the kitchen or bath. The clothing styles vary from Southwest to more avant-garde and contemporary, it just depends on your style of course. Definitely a place to check out when you're downtown.

Justin Boots Outlet

Justin Boots is just about as popular as that other brand synonymous with country-western wear, Stetson. Though Justin hasn't been around as long as that other venerable cowboy outfitter, these boots have garnered a rabid following not just for their cowboy boots, but also for their work boots. All of your favorite styles and designs can be found here at this outlet and prices are a bit more reasonable than the retail stores due to the fact that some of the boots may be irregular.

El Paso Downtown

Over the last decade, the downtown El Paso area has undergone plenty of revitalization and will eventually be completely revamped under a plan which will see the private and public sector coming together. Even today, the area that surrounds the El Paso Museum of Art and the Canam Highway encloses tons of restaurants, entertainment options and other attractions.

Bassett Place Mall

Bassett Place is El Paso's giant mall, where visitors can find all of the big box stores like Target and Payless Shoe Source among many others. It is near the airport, about 20 minutes outside of the downtown area, but if you need something particular and enjoy the convenience of one-stop shopping, then Bassett Place is the spot. This is also where locals come to enjoy the massive IMAX theater with DBOX motion seats. Oftentimes, there are stores that host events for the community, such as wellness checks, promotions, etc.

Las Palmas Marketplace

If you are looking for big box stores that have most of the items you need, then Las Palmas Marketplace is the place to go. It is the El Paso hub for stores like Cost Plus World Market, Kohl's, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Lowe's and several others. There is also a Cinemark theater with 20-screens, a few national chain restaurants and it's one of the most popular shopping destinations for people both in the Sun City as well as those over-the-border in Ciudad Juarez.

The Outlet Shoppes

As with most factory outlets, this one is located a bit outside of the city of El Paso, about 35 minutes north of downtown. The list of stores include Banana Republic, Converse, Hot Topic, Lane Bryant and Puma in addition to many, many others. The prices are a little cheaper than what you would find outside of their retail stores and some items are a downright steal.

0,6 39 7 1 8 [["Armoire","31.776044679421","-106.47279319753","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","2005 Montana Avenue, El Paso, TX, 79903","https:\/\/\/nl\/el-paso-tx\/841536-armoire"],["Justin Boots Outlet","31.769023244954","-106.37359836021","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","7156 Gateway Boulevard East, El Paso, TX, 79915","https:\/\/\/nl\/el-paso-tx\/839500-justin-boots-outlet"],["El Paso Downtown","31.760881659463","-106.48835236846","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","El Paso Downtown, El Paso, TX, 79901","https:\/\/\/nl\/el-paso-tx\/635288-el-paso-downtown"],["Bassett Place Mall","31.782355774214","-106.40906753257","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","6101 Gateway Boulevard West, El Paso, TX, 79925","https:\/\/\/nl\/el-paso-tx\/841512-bassett-place-mall"],["Las Palmas Marketplace","31.726283336223","-106.30587703459","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1331 George Dieter Drive, El Paso, TX, 79936","https:\/\/\/nl\/el-paso-tx\/841528-las-palmas-marketplace"],["The Outlet Shoppes","31.911972274093","-106.58625630002","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","7051 South Desert Boulevard, Canutillo, TX, 79835","https:\/\/\/nl\/canutillo-tx\/841524-the-outlet-shoppes"]] adayincity 841536,839500,635288,841512,841528,841524 6 0 1 Shopping
8 0 0 0 10 0

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8 39 0 0 0,6 6