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Top Rated Attracties in Frankfurt

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Städel Museum

The Städel Museum holds a number of art exhibitions every week. You can find exquisite art exhibitions featuring old masters like Caravaggio, Michelangelo as well as contemporary regional artists. The permanent collection includes works by the likes of Renoir, Botticelli, Rembrandt, extending from the medieval age to the contemporary era. Admire the numerous sculptures, art installations and photography collections on display as you explore themes like nature, history, religion, violence and love. The museum also houses a bookshop, a café and a library. Various seminars, events and workshops are organized throughout the year. Guided tours are available.

Main Tower

Acquiring its name from the renowned Main River, Main Tower is a stunning 56-story architectural structure that also happens to be one of the most important buildings around the Innenstadt neighborhood. Through its spectacular blue glass facade, the tower reflects the bustling streets and city life of Frankfurt. The two attached towers are collectively considered to be one of the tallest structures in Germany. They comprise the German offices of the famous Standard & Poor's, Merrill Lynch, the Hessischer Rundfunk television studio and many others. The Main Tower Restaurant & Bar on the 53rd floor serves eclectic Euro-Asian cuisine that is loved by patrons.

Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

The Deutsche Filmmuseum was opened in June 1994 and consists of private collections, among them the archives of producer Paul Sauerler, film historian Lotte Eisner, actress Lilian Harvey and the avant-garde filmmaker Oskar Fischinger. The history of film, its theory and aesthetics are presented in an informative and vivid form over the museum's seven floors. As well as the permanent exhibitions about film production and cinematic history, the museum also has film, poster, photographic and text archives, a library and video library, a specialist bookshop and a cafe. The Kommunale Kino (Communal Cinema) on the lower ground floor shows films from the museum's collection three to four times a day. Film weeks, retrospectives, silent films with live music, children's films, experimental and documentary films are all part of the repertoire. In 2006, the museum merged with Deutschen Filminstitut and was renamed Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum.


Deze kathedraal is oorspronkelijk gebouwd als parochiekerk in 1235, maar dankzij een bevelschrift in 1356 werd besloten dat alle Duitse keizers hier gekozen moesten worden, waardoor de kerk in status veranderde naar kathedraal. Door de jaren heen is de kathedraal meerdere keren herbouwd: na de verwoestende brand van 1867 en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De enige onderdelen van het originele interieur die overleefden zijn de fries van St. Bartholemew, het koorgestoelte en het Maria-Schlaf altaar. De toren bevat een meesterwerk van de vroege renaissance periode: een sculptuur van Hans Backoffen dat een scène uit de kruisiging afbeeldt. Het museum huist een aantal waardevolle stukken van de kathedraal.

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt boasts of a great collection of natural history, which includes fossils and a mounted American mastadon, which is an extremely rare feature. The collection began way back in 1820, when Grand Duke Ludwig started collecting historic items and iconic artworks, these items still remain a part of the collection at the museum. The repository features archaeology, mineralogy, fine art, medieval art and more in its displays. A fabulous mixture of almost everything, it is a great place to explore and learn.


De Palmengarten is oorspronkelijk opgericht in 1869 om de plantencollectie van de Hertog van Nassau te herbergen. Tegenwoordig huist de Palmengarten een prachtige collectie aan exotische planten. Bezoekers zijn vrij om zelf te wandelen door de tuinen, maar de rondleidingen worden sterk aangeraden voor diegenen die meer willen leren over de wereld van planten. Tal van activiteiten vinden door het jaar heen plaats, waaronder klassieke openlucht concerten in de zomer, het Festival of Light in juni, het Herfstfestival in september en het Orchideeënfestival in oktober. De openingstijden kunnen variëren per maand, dus vergeet niet de website te bekijken voorafgaand aan uw bezoek aan deze mystieke tuinen.

0,6 152 26 1 5,7,6 167 Budget 167|budget|Reisbudget [["St\u00e4del Museum","50.103091713249","8.6740567930656","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Schaumainkai 63, Frankfurt, 60596","https:\/\/\/nl\/frankfurt-am-main\/343830-st\u00e4del-museum"],["Main Tower","50.112496883737","8.6721656844392","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Neue Mainzer Stra\u00dfe 52-58, Frankfurt, 60311","https:\/\/\/nl\/frankfurt-am-main\/792628-main-tower"],["Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum","50.105079298298","8.6777126518189","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Schaumainkai 41, Frankfurt, 60596","https:\/\/\/nl\/frankfurt-am-main\/191425-deutsches-filminstitut-filmmuseum"],["Dompfarramt","50.11065956285","8.685430765581","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Domplatz 1, Frankfurt, 60311","https:\/\/\/nl\/frankfurt-am-main\/88644-dompfarramt"],["Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt","49.874929244025","8.6533493670495","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Friedensplatz 1, Darmstadt, 64283","https:\/\/\/nl\/frankfurt-am-main\/866487-hessisches-landesmuseum-darmstadt"],["Palmengarten","50.123186129788","8.6578572919017","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Siesmayerstra\u00dfe 63, Frankfurt, 60323","https:\/\/\/nl\/frankfurt-am-main\/88606-palmengarten"]] adayincity 343830,792628,191425,88644,866487,88606 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

Meer Attracties

5,7,6,10 152 0 0 0,6 6