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Top Rated Attracties in Nassau

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Cable Beach

Not to be missed, this immensely popular beach is lined with bars and high-end luxurious resorts. It was a beach with no name until 1907 when it became the landing point for the Trans-Atlantic cable, which stretched from here to connect The Bahamas to mainland America at Jupiter, Florida. Today, it's the ultimate playground for fun in the sun. You can indulge in water sport activities and get an adrenaline rush or simply bathe in the sun and get a tan on during your visit to the Cable Beach.

Bahamas Historical Society Museum

To gain a better appreciation for all things Bahamian, take a few hours to browse through this museum. There's a permanent exhibition here titled "A Reservoir of History." The name sounds a bit bookish, but the exhibit itself is enlightening and enjoyable. There's also a collection of anthropological and archaeological artifacts, all Bahamian of course. Admission costs only USD1 for adults, and children get in for half that. Guided tours are available.

Clifton Heritage National Park

Encompassing a variety of attractions ranging from ancient ruins to cave systems, the Clifton Heritage National Park is an expansive area brimming with natural wonders. Tour guides narrate the history embedded into every nook and cranny of the land, with special emphasis on the derelict structures which are remnants of the Lucayan, Arawak, and the Loyalist and Slave Trade eras. Remains of houses belonging to the Lucayan period are interspersed among the historical attractions, the age-old lumbers of wood and thatched roofs reminiscent of the shelters constructed during the time. Beaches fringe the park, with pristine waters lapping at the sandy shores. The ragged caves lurking just beneath the Banana Hole are imbued with religious and ritualistic significance. The underwater experience here is especially exhilarating, owing to the thriving marine life. Snorkeling is a popular activity in the area.

Fort Charlotte

Lord Dunmore built this striking fortress in 1789 after culmination of the American War of Independence. The drawbridge, ramparts, and waterless moat were meant to repel raiders but were never necessary during the course of the fort's existence. Today, this impressive fort, perched above the Bahamian capital, offers scintillating panoramas of the harbor and beyond, all the way up to Paradise Island.

Queen's Staircase

Embedded between ragged hills, the Queen's Staircase is a set of stone steps fashioned out of limestone rocks. Workers toiled in the 1790's to complete the construction of this significant site which is one of Nassau's most popular attractions. The stairs were later renamed for Queen Victoria to commemorate her 64 years of rule which ended in 1901. Upon reaching the top of the staircase, visitors are offered an unparalleled view of Nassau and the Caribbean Sea.

Pirates of Nassau

Nassau's rich pirate history is remembered and celebrated at this popular downtown museum. It takes up nearly a whole block, just off the main shopping drag. Visitors tour a full-scale pirate ship equipped with all the appropriate apparel and a dungeon. Stumbling into a tavern packed with pirates clad in their traditional garb will provide guests with an opportunity to interact with a pirate community. While navigating the lively exhibits, visitors can also delight in the witty exchange between Mary Read and Anne Bonny, infamous female pirates known for their nefarious ways. Traversing the areas rife with battles and fights will lead visitors right into the middle of a conflict of their own as the fearsome Captain Blackbeard and his crew infiltrate their midst. If one wishes to make an evening of their tour, buffet dinners or formal entertainment can be arranged. A relaxed patio bar is located just outside the main building. The gift shop, an attraction in its own right, can be accessed from the street.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

Meer Attracties

5,7,6,10 16 0 0 0,6 6